The mystery surrounding the origin and mission of the Artur brothers

Artur Margaryan show journalist his kitchen in runda estate where he lives.

At the height of the mercenary accusations and the two Armenian citizens, Sunday Nation reporter MUGUMO MUNENE spoke to Mr Artur Margaryan, one of the two brothers in the eye of the storm. His responses left more questions than answers. Excerpts:Sunday Nation: Who really are you and what are you in Kenya for?

Margaryan: I'm Armenian and I'm here as a businessman.

Artur Margaryan show journalist his kitchen in runda estate where he lives.

What business are you doing?

We have many companies here and I'm not going to say anything about them. Our business rivals may be spying on us and then strike deals with our clients.

May be you could mention the nature of businesses?

We are involved in the import of electronics and cars from Dubai. We are interested in property development and housing. But from the way we have been treated here in Kenya, we are not sure any more. We also had intentions to invest in a steel rolling mill with the capacity to employ 2,000 people.

What prompted you to hold the first Press conference and how did you know it was you that Mr Raila Odinga was talking about? 

I saw our passports displayed on the newspapers. You see, you had blotted out the part written in English but you did not erase the part written in Armenian. The paper was certainly referring to us.

Do you know of a company by the name of Kensington Holdings?

No comment.

Have you ever conducted business with a lady by the name of Ms Winnie Wangui?

No comment.

Who are your business partners?

My big brother runs a big business. We are six brothers and each one takes care of a specific segment of our businesses around the world. He's the one who knows who the partners are.

Do you have any connections in the Kenya government?


Have you ever visited any State House in Kenya?


Have you ever met President Kibaki?


It appears that you have been driven in G K vehicles. How did you acquire their use?

I have never had a government vehicle. That is a fabrication of the media.

And why do you keep the number plates of your vehicles concealed?

For security reasons. If people see the number plate they will follow me all over. I need to move around and have a burger at a restaurant without people having to stare at me or follow me. I have a lady who is my escort and she drives me around.

Some have accused you of dealing in drugs. What do you say to these allegations?

I have never dealt in drugs.

What of allegations that you are investing in Kenya as part of a money laundering racket?

My money is legal and anyone saying anything else . . . let them prove it.

Do you agree with the statement issued by MP Kalonzo Musyoka about your meeting?

Yes. But he forgot that we met twice on the same day. First at Serena where we disagreed. We told him that we do not get involved in political work. We then met later at the Grand Regency. We have even hosted him in Dubai and provided him with a chauffeur and a limousine.

Do you recall what you discussed at those meetings?

Yes. We wanted to meet him and ask whether he had any contacts in DR Congo because he had served as Kenya's Foreign minister. We are interested in diamond trade there. He told us he did not have but he was telling us about the Sudan. We are, however, not interested in the Sudan.

Do you have a record of what was said at the meetings?

I do not record people because I believe it is not professional. But we have the picture we took with him at the Grand Regency.

Which other politician have you met?

I met Raila and of course he is bringing up all these allegations about mercenaries and demonising me because he does not want to pay his debt.

Your nationality appears to be in doubt? Are you truly Armenian?
