President Ruto assures Judiciary of security following courtroom shooting of magistrate Kivuti

President Ruto

President William Ruto.

Photo credit: AFP

President William Ruto has mourned the late Makadara Principal Magistrate Monicah Kivuti who succumbed to gunshot wounds after a senior police officer opened fire in an open court last week.

The Head of State in a statement on Monday, asked the police to protect judicial officers saying what happened to Hon Kivuti was unacceptable, “it should not happen again”.

“I join the family, friends and the judicial fraternity in mourning the tragic death of Honourable Monica Kivuti who was serving as the Principal Magistrate of the Makadara Courts.

"The confrontation, threats or attacks of any form against judicial officers is unacceptable, criminal and an affront to the rule of law,” said Mr Ruto.

He said that the police exist to assure Kenyans of reliable security.

Monica Kivuti
Monicah Kivuti
Photo credit: Pool| Nation Media Group

“Under no circumstances should they abandon this essential obligation or ever turn from their duty of protection and become threats to the safety and security of the people,” he added.

He asked the police to ensure the safety of our judicial officers at all times as they discharge their duties.

“We have lost a firm and hardworking judicial professional who served Kenyans with dedication. She still had a lot to offer to our country. I pray that the Almighty God grants you strength to bear this loss, and comfort you with divine solace,” he said.

Meanwhile, Inspector General Japeth Koome (IG) has promised to protect judicial staff while discharging their official mandate, saying that it remains a priority to the Service.

“Following the tragic loss of the Makadara Law Courts’ Principal Magistrate, Hon. Monica Kivuti who succumbed to gunshot wounds inflicted by a police officer on June 13, 2024, at the Makadara Law Courts, the National Police Service would like to re-assure the Hon. Chief Justice and President of the Supreme Court of Kenya, of the safety and security of judicial staff,” he said in a statement on Monday.

The IG said police stations assign protective safety and security duties to all courts countrywide adding that it was the swift action by Police Court Orderlies that contained the Makadara shooting incident on that fateful day. He noted that the perpetrator was neutralised immediately.

“As a Service, we sincerely condole with the family of the late Hon. Kivuti and the Judiciary, and wish a quick recovery to our two officers injured on that fateful day,” said IG Koome.

“Cognisant of the complexity and evolving nature of crime and emerging crimes, the National Police Service remains committed to working with the Judiciary, and indeed, the National Council on Administration of Justice to ensure that security of the Judicial staff and Court Users is enhanced.”

The late magistrate was shot by Chief Inspector Samson Kipchirchir Kipruto, the officer commanding Londiani Police Station (OCS) in Kericho County inside her courtroom last Thursday and later died at the Nairobi Hospital on Saturday.

Kipruto shot and wounded Hon. Kivuti shortly after she cancelled a bond granted to his partner Jennifer Wairimu, said to be 48, after she skipped a court appearance. The case was set for mention on June 17.

Kipruto was gunned down at the scene, with the police report saying a fellow court officer “countered and fatally shot” him.

Fellow police officers in the courtroom fired back at the officer who had gone berserk, killing him instantly as he came down in a hail of bullets on Wednesday afternoon.