Kalonzo: Uhuru to convene Azimio coalition meeting

Wiper party leader Kalonzo Musyoka and  retired President Uhuru Kenyatta.

Photo credit: File | Nation

Retired President Uhuru Kenyatta is expected to convene a meeting with the Azimio la Umoja One Kenya Coalition member parties, in the wake of growing disquiet in the opposition coalition, Wiper party leader Kalonzo Musyoka has said.

As the chairperson of the coalition, Mr Kenyatta is expected to call his troops to order and tame the unease the coalition finds itself in following the formation of the broad-based government.

“We expect retired President Uhuru Kenyatta who doubles as the Azio la Umoja chairperson to convene a meeting so we can openly discuss the issues rocking the coalition,” Mr Musyoka said. 
Since Mr Raila Odinga’s Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) party decided to work with President Ruto in a camaraderie that has seen ODM donate some of its party leaders to be cabinet secretaries, the coalition has been seen to be crumbling.

The strange arrangement of Mr Odinga's party working with President William Ruto has seen the coalition pulling apart and struggling to survive the turbulence.  

The meeting comes against the backdrop of what some see as Mr Odinga's cozying up to the Kenya Kwanza government. The meeting with Mr Uhuru is therefore expected to save the coalition - or what remains of it. 

The leader of the Narc-Kenya party, Martha Karua, had already threatened to quit the Azimio la Umoja One Kenya coalition led by Raila Odinga.  

The move came amidst mounting tension between a section of Azimio leaders after President William Ruto nominated ODM party leaders as Cabinet Secretaries. 

The Wiper Party leader who defended the unchartered waters the coalition finds itself in said that turbulent rides are “normal” in any political party coalition said Azimio la Umoja was still intact.

“It is never easy to manage coalitions. Azimio la Umoja is not exempt from things like those. But when they happen, they actually provide us with opportunity for further engagement,” said Mr Musyoka, explaining that it is during such fora that the parties get to understand each other better.

However, he said, “Anything is possible. And going forward, we are not excluding any possibility. We are ready also for any challenge,” an admission that appears to point to the possibility of Azimio la Umoja folding should the centre not hold.

Mr Kalonzo was speaking on Thursday, August 15, during the Oslo Center Africa Youth Forum where he addressed the youth-led anti-government protests terming it a success and advocated for youth inclusion in national dialogue.

He also called for justice for the victims of anti-government protests during the conference, which brought together passionate youth advocates, seasoned statesmen and experts from across the continent to address issues facing young people in Africa, share insights and explore innovative solutions for sustainable development.

Under the theme 'Breaking barriers through intergenerational dialogue', the forum brought together delegates from different generations.

The Executive Chair of the Oslo Centre, Finn Jarle Rode, urged the delegates to "be counted as agents of positive change in these challenging times and dynamics".

"This is just a beginning. Together with you, we will organise more engagement and dialogue, with a special focus on youth, sustainable development, peace and good governance for a better future and a just world," said Mr Rode.