House adjourns prematurely after Babu Owino clashes with Muturi

Defiant MP Babu Owino refuses to leave Parliament following Justin Muturi's ejection order

The National Assembly Speaker Justin Muturi Thursday afternoon prematurely adjourned the sitting of the House after gross disorder by Embakasi East MP Babu Owino who refused to get out of the chamber after an order was made.

In a chaotic afternoon session that was characterised by drama as Wajir woman representative Fatuma Gedi prepared to table evidence proving her claim that Deputy President was a land grabber, Mr Owino engaged the speaker in a shouting match.

It was not clear what Mr Owino told the speaker that finally led to him being ordered out of the chamber.

Microphones of members not given the speaker’s go-ahead to speak are usually muted, with only those in the chamber able to hear what has been uttered.

It was after what looked like Mr Owino protesting an order to take his seat, with his hands raised in the air in protest, that a directive that the youthful legislator be kicked out of the chamber was given.

The Embakasi East lawmaker defied it, even after being surrounded by several parliamentary orderlies, who seemed to be engaging him in a discussion.

Usually, orderlies carry MPs shoulder high as soon as an order to have them out of the chamber is made by the Speaker.

Day of drama

“What have you just said Hon Babu Owino? Can you get out of the chambers? Sergeant at arms, get him out of the chambers,” Speaker Muturi ruled, while on his feet in what was a day of drama.

However, Mr Owino, surrounded by some lawmakers, refused to move an inch and several sergeant-at-arms officers were seen pleading with him but he refused to comply.

In his ruling at 4:13pm, Mr Muturi said the proceedings of the House could not continue.

Relying on Standing Orders 112, Speaker Muturi adjourned the House.

“In the event of grave disorder arising in the House, the Speaker may, adjourn the House forthwith or suspend any sitting for a period to be determined by him or her,” states Standing Order 112.

Last week, Ms Gedi undertook to provide evidence to back her allegations that the Deputy President is a land grabber and that Kenyans are not safe in his hands.

“It is in the public domain including court orders where one William Ruto grabbed land including Lang’ata primary school and I have no apology to make on that as I can provide the details. I can give the records, you have a corrupt presidential candidate,” Ms Gedi told DP allies in the chambers Tuesday. 

“Give me two days and I will provide details how DP Ruto has grabbed land in this country,” Ms Gedi added

By the time the House adjourned, Ms Gedi had made reference to allegations that the DP evidence grabbed land belonging to Lang’ata Primary School and a parcel of land in Trans Nzoia.

The speaker was, however, yet to rule on the admissibility of the documents tabled by the Wajir woman representative.

Babu Owino and Speaker Muturi clash during Prof. Magoha vetting