Joining Form One? Here are some things you should know

Parents and students

Parents and students during Form One admissions at Moi Girls School in Nairobi in January 2020. 

Photo credit: File | Media Group

What you need to know:

  • Going to funkies is one of the most awaited activities every term because we at least take a break from books.
  • The 100 per cent transition has caused “jam” in schools. So be ready to meet and interact with umati.

Joining high school is a dream every pupil holds dear, and with the government’s 100 per cent transition policy, this has been made largely possible.

From August 2, more than 1,171,000 candidates who sat their Standard Eight exams early this year will be joining various secondary schools. 

I was in this position a few years back and I remember being very anxious. I experienced mixed feelings of excitement and fear, largely because of the many scary stories that my friends in high school shared with us. They told us tales of bullying and molestation at night by big boys. As I later discovered, some of these stories were true while others were half-truth and outright lies.

It is for this reason that I wish to give our brothers and sisters “advance orientation” to life in secondary school. My focus is the many activities we take part in.

Funkies: These are social functions planned by clubs and societies. Going to funkies is one of the most awaited activities every term because we at least take a break from books, eat, have fun and socialise.

Co-curricular activities: Unlike in primary school, sports is big in high school. Games that did not exist in some primary schools like, table tennis, hockey and basketball are on offer here.

Most awaited day

For those who do not love sports, there are annual drama and music festivals. Many Kenyan actors and musicians discovered their talents and started honing them in high school. So don’t let this chance pass.

AGMs: This is one of the most awaited day in second term. Most schools require all parents and guardians to attend their annual general meetings without fail. On this day, we eat to our fill as parents deliver our favourite meals.

But prepare for disappointment too, because some parents, especially dads, come empty-handed, or with a newspaper and a bottle of drinking water.

Jokes: Mchongoano has not gone out of fashion. But if you are short tempered, don't try getting involved in these because they can get very personal.

Crowding: To be honest, the 100 per cent transition has caused “jam” in schools. So be ready to meet and interact with umati.

Expulsion: Sometimes things really get thick if you break school rules. The smallest of mistakes can really cost you. So be nice, focus, follow rules and enjoy your studies.

David Mukinyo, 18, is a Form Three student.

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