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Hundreds of mourners attend Baba Mona's last live TikTok show on earth

Baba Mona funeral

Coffins bearing the remains of popular TikToker Kevin Oselu, alias Baba Mona, his daughter and one of his sisters, are pictured at their home in Kisumu County during the funeral ceremony on March 18, 2023.

Photo credit: Angeline Ochieng | Nation Media Group

Thousands of mourners and TikTokers from different parts of the country travelled to Kisumu on Saturday for the burial of popular TikToker Kevin Oselu, alias Baba Mona, his daughter and one of his sisters.

Baba Mona, his child and his two sisters all died in a grisly road accident on Londiani-Muhoroni highway on February 24.

They were heading to their Awasi home when their vehicle veered off the road as it approached the Tunnel trading centre in Siwot location, Kipkelion East Constituency. The vehicle reportedly hit guard rails and was reduced to a mangled wreck.

Baba Mona funeral

Mourners at the funeral of popular TikToker Kevin Oselu, alias Baba Mona, his daughter and one of his sisters, at their home in Kisumu County on March 18, 2023.

Photo credit: Angeline Ochieng | Nation Media Group

One of the sisters, Belinda Oselu, was buried last Wednesday at Ayweyo village - the home of her husband’s grandmother - near Ahero town.

The TikTokers who attended Saturday's funeral ceremony included Mama Jacky, Akenya, Asoro, Mtumba Man and Leah Alingo. They eulogised Baba Mona as a women’s rights defender who gave a voice to single mothers.

"He also loved peace, interacted freely with everyone and loved his daughter, Mona, more than anything else," said TikToker Evans Akenya, who was a close friend of the deceased.

According said Baba Mona, who was traveling home that fateful day, had planned to attend a charity event alongside other friends the following day and had brought food stuff for the same.

Benjamin Opiyo, also known as Ben Rex, said: "God gave and has taken but the Bible tells us that in the end, just like he doubled what he took from Job, he will do the same for this family."

He said the TikTokers had been working closely with the family and had raised Sh2.6 million to help with the burial.

Baba Mona’s father, Thomas Oselu eulogised his son and daughters as loving, obedient and hardworking children.

“Losing four family members at once is not something I would wish on anyone, I have been asking myself what I did to deserve all this but I have left everything to God,” he said.

Baba Mona funeral

Mourners at the funeral of popular TikToker Kevin Oselu, alias Baba Mona, his daughter and one of his sisters, at their home in Kisumu County on March 18, 2023.

Photo credit: Angeline Ochieng | Nation Media Group

Ms Rose Mary Omoso, Belinda’s mother-in-law, described her as a loving and happy person who was fond of every family member.

"We were proud to have a daughter-in-law who was educated and would uplift the family, but we only got to stay with her for a very short time," said Ms Omoso.

She said she last spoke to Belinda after they arrived in Nakuru, and that they had promised to stop over in Ayweyo, Kisumu, before proceeding to their home.

Belinda also told her she would spend a night at her in-law's house before leaving for a family meeting at their home in Awasi the next day.

“The four, together with their parents, were also planning to attend a prayer session at Got Kwer, Migori County," she said.

Baba Mona funeral

Mourners at the funeral of popular TikToker Kevin Oselu, alias Baba Mona, his daughter and one of his sisters, at their home in Kisumu County on March 18, 2023.

Photo credit: Angeline Ochieng | Nation Media Group

The family had prepared various meals and a clean comfortable room for their daughter-in-law.

They were expected home by 4pm so the family got concerned when they did not arrive as planned. They phoned them but none answered and it was nine hours later that they received news of the accident and the deaths.

“We received a call from Belinda’s husband, Mr Brian Jowi, asking us not to wait for our visitors since they were no more," said Ms Omoso.

She said several family members left Nairobi early that morning, with the four travelling in one car and the others flying to Kisumu International Airport.

Mr Oselu said he also tried to reach their elder brother but there was no response. They received the shocking news from traffic police officers at the scene of the crash.

"Our hearts are heavy. If only we could bring them back to life. All we can do is ask God to rest their souls in peace. We are also praying that our good lord gives our families a calm heart," said Ms Omoso.

Alingo said: "I want to thank my fellow TikTokers for showing love to the bereaved family. We have been together since they died despite not knowing each other. We hope this unity will continue.”

“Many see us as unserious people who only love socialising but people have seen what we have done today. We urge parents to support their children on such platforms so they can achieve their dream.”

The TikTokers also said that Baba Mona's account will not be closed but will instead be handed over to his father with a new name - Babu Mona.

They said Mr Oselu will use the platform to educate and advise the youth on life.

Baba Mona, his daughter and the sister were buried close to their parents’ main house, their graves side by side.