Former Nyandarua Governor Kimemia declares support for President Ruto

Francis Kimemia

Former Nyandarua Governor Francis Kimemia.

Photo credit: File| Nation Media Group

What you need to know:

  • Mr Kimemia further thanked the president for considering appointment of area residents to his cabinet.
  • Mr Kimemia was among the governors from central Kenya who were key point men for Azimio candidate Raila Odinga.

Former Nyandarua governor Francis Kimemia is ready to work with President William Ruto.

Mr Kimemia, who failed to defend his seat on a Jubilee ticket in August 9 General Election, in a statement to the media, welcomed President Ruto’s visit to the county on Sunday.

The president will be attending a thanksgiving service at Wanjohi Primary School in Kipipiri Sub-county of Nyandarua.

In his statement, Mr Kimemia declared his support for the Kenya Kwanza administration, assuring the head of state of his support in delivering his mandate.

The former county boss lauded the visit by the head of state which he said has a historical significance following the central role that Nyandarua played in the freedom struggle in addition to hosting a number of freedom heroes.

Flagship projects

He noted that the President is on record as the most visible VVIP to have visited the county since independence and called upon all leaders and residents in the region to turn up in large numbers to welcome him.

“For the avoidance of doubt, I wish to categorically assure president Ruto and the people of Kenya that I fully support his administration in delivering its enormous mandate. I have worked closely with the President since 2003 and I know that given the requisite support by all, his leadership will definitely take this country to the next level,” read part of the statement.

Mr Kimemia however, listed a number of ongoing flagship projects which he appealed to the president to complete.

Among the 23 projects list include the tarmacking of 600 kilometer roads in the county, the 500-bed Level Aix Mashujaa complex within JM Hospital, county disease control center at Mirangine and cold storage and processing factories.

More appointments

Others include rural electrification, water projects, reclamation of Abadeare ecosystems, and gazzetement of lake Olbolosat as a national reserve.

Mr Kimemia further thanked the president for considering appointment of area residents to his cabinet and requested him to appoint more.

“Since Nyandarua has been highly marginalized, please consider more appointments at all levels,” he said.

Mr Kimemia was among the governors from central Kenya who were key point men for the Azimio la Umoja presidential candidate Raila Odinga in the August 9 General elections.

He lost his seat to United Democratic Allance (UDA) party candidate Dr Kiarie Badilisha.