Drama as daring ‘Mathee Wa Ngara’ calls suspect in police custody to apologise

Daring ‘Mathe Wa Ngara’ calls suspect in police custody

The Nation's Investigations Unit has uncovered a phone call between the real ‘Mathee wa Ngara’ and Teresia Wanjiru, who was arrested during a drug raid in Ngara last week.

The latest development comes as police sources say there’s a new story linking Teresia Wanjiru to a large sum of money and a drug bust in Ngara. The police are said to be hatching a plot to implicate Teresia in the drug trade in Ngara.

Nation recently visited Muthaiga Police Station where Teresia Wanjiru has been detained for the past five days, with two days left before her court appearance.

During our interview with the 54-year-old mother of three, it emerged that she had received a phone call from Nancy Kigunzo, whom police have long suspected of being the real mastermind behind the ‘Mathee wa Ngara’ drug operation.

The call was facilitated by a police officer posted at the station.

During the call, Teresia told Nancy about her encounter with officers from the DCI’s headquarters. Surprisingly, Kigunzo apologised to Teresia for her ordeal and suggested that they meet in court.

Teresia wasn’t expecting the call and noted that Nancy sounded confident and untroubled during their conversation.

Meanwhile, the family is deeply concerned about their mother’s well-being as she remains in custody.

The story continues to unfold. 

Police have now launched a manhunt for Nancy Kigunzo, who was listed by the NIS as a notorious drug dealer in 2018. The intelligence agency has been at loggerheads with the DCI for alleged complicity in the war on drugs.

Kigunzo is said to have compromised officers from various police stations in Nairobi and reportedly evaded arrest until June 2022, when she was finally arrested.

However, the ODPP decided to talk to her and released her after she paid a Sh500,000 fine.

On Monday, August 21, Teresia is due to appear in court as police insist that the millions of shillings and bags of cannabis were found in her possession.

- This story first appeared on ntvkenya.co.ke