Uhuru Kenyatta to meet Kenyans in Washington, Dallas

US President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama with President Kenyatta in the Blue Room of the White House during the Africa leaders summit dinner on August 5, 2014. WHITE HOUSE PHOTO | AMANDA LUCIDON

What you need to know:

  • Doors for the Washington DC event, which will be held at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel, will open at 4.30pm
  • The Dallas event is organised by the Kenyan Embassy

President Uhuru Kenyatta will meet Kenyans in Washington, DC, and Dallas, Texas, this week during his trip to the United States.

The President, who is in the US to attend the African leaders summit, will meet with Kenyans in Washington on Wednesday evening before travelling to Dallas on Friday.

Doors for the Washington event, which will be held at the Marriott Wardman Park hotel, will open at 4:30pm.

The Dallas event will commence at the same time at a venue yet to be announced by the Kenyan embassy in the US.

The Dallas event is organised by the Kenyan embassy and the Dallas-based East Africa Chamber of Commerce.

On Tuesday, President Kenyatta attended a meeting between US Secretary of State John Kerry and Igad country leaders to discuss security and peace initiatives in the East African region.

The President also met with US President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama, who hosted the nearly 50 African heads of states for dinner at the White House.