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Karim Wade to join Habré at maximum security jail

What you need to know:

  • Last month, the Supreme Court upheld a six year-jail sentence against Karim Wade for embezzling millions of dollars of public funds while he served in several top functions during his father’s 12 year-rule.

DAKAR, Monday

Authorities at the Cape Manuel maximum security prison in Dakar, have confirmed the imminent transfer of Karim Wade to the penitentiary.

The Camp Manuel jail is a colonial building overlooking the Atlantic Ocean that was refurbished recently with funding from the African Union and the international community.

The penitentiary was refurbished to serve as detention centre for former Chadian dictator Hissène Habré where is being held as he faces trial for alleged war crimes.

Local media reports on Monday said renovation work on a separate cell that will house Karim Wade was nearing completion.


The sources said Karim Wade will have access to an office space as well as a waiting room, among other facilities at the Cape Manuel prison.

Karim Wade’s cell will be located adjacent to that of Mr Habré who has been there for nearly a year now.

For several months, Mr Habré was jailed at the Rebeuss prison in the centre of Dakar where Karim Wade is being held and has already spent nearly three years.

Last month, the Supreme Court upheld a six year-jail sentence against Karim Wade for embezzling millions of dollars of public funds while he served in several top positions his father’s 12 year-rule.

The former president’s son is expected to spend about three more years at the Cape Manuel jail since he has already been in jail for nearly three years since his arrest.

Arrangements are being made by the government of Senegal to confiscate and auction Karim Wade’s assets in keeping with the Supreme Court ruling to compensate for damages to the state.