40 young people win cash prizes in NMG-Goodwall challenges

Goodwall challenges

 From left: Nation Media Group and Goodwall challenges winners Eugene Kaptway, Dee Olach and Ondu Dorcas .

Photo credit: Pool

More than 40 young people from six African countries have won Sh20,000 each in the Nation Media Group and Goodwall challenges launched in November 2022.

Over 400 young people participated in the monthly challenges and 40 winners with the best ideas and clearest submissions were celebrated and awarded cash prizes. They won after a series of competitive challenges on topical issues of interest to young people across the continent.

The NMG-GW campaigns are open to young people from across Africa and the winners of the challenges came from Kenya, Nigeria, Malawi, Burundi, Zambia and Rwanda.

Build confidence

"Winning is such a great feeling, it has put me in a position to know that people care about what I have to share. It has helped me build confidence in my knowledge and the value I can share. Goodwall is all-inclusive. Everyone has an equal chance to win and be heard. The most important thing I would say is to trust yourself completely and stay authentic," said Eugene Kaptway, one of the winners from Kenya.

The challenges require young people to send videos or photos to the Goodwall app to share their thoughts on thematic issues such as media, the gig economy, diversity and inclusion, mental health, sports, governance and financial literacy.

"Young people are the backbone of our society and economy, we are happy to make a difference in their lives and amplify their voices on issues that matter to them," said Julian Kamau, Project and Digital Lead at Nation Media Group.

"The partnership aims to provide solutions to youth employment in Africa by creating digital content that inspires young people to stretch themselves, build the right skills that are valuable to employers and their peers, showcase their talents and find scholarships, actual jobs, internships or remote assignments," she added.

Nation Media Group and Goodwall aim to reach and engage young people in Africa and beyond by upskilling them and connecting them to opportunities and a skills-based community. The partnership aims to create a lasting impact and foster a thriving ecosystem for youth in Kenya and Africa. 

"Goodwall and Nation Media's monthly skills challenges impact thousands of young Africans, raising awareness and educating youth on pressing issues such as mental health, climate change and entrepreneurship. These gamified challenges foster critical transferable skills for their future growth," says Tiago, Head of Strategy at Goodwall.

"We are committed to continue making a positive impact on their learning and earning journeys and are seeking new partners to support our challenges," he added.

Throughout the year, there will be various challenges on topics of interest to the youth and about 100 winners will take home a cash prize of Sh20,000 each.

The agreement seeks to partner with other corporations, NGOs and governments to amplify young people's voices and create opportunities for youth regardless of where they come from.

To participate in the ongoing challenge, sign up and you could stand a chance to win Sh80,000 cash prize.