Women dress for other women, not for men

What you need to know:

  • Men exercise their brain muscle a lot by trying to guess what the body under the clothes looks like.

  • They will stare sinfully, intensely, lost in their own little world of imagination at a fully covered woman.

Dressed nakedness! What a poetic phrase! It’s from a book I read a few weeks ago. The phrase, at a glance, is confusing, but only if you are a woman.

For men, this is nursery school curriculum. Dressed nakedness. Have you ever wondered how some men find a woman wearing a burka sexy? I mean, the only thing visible is the face, sometimes, just the eyes.

Yet some poor man somewhere always hits another cart whenever a burka-covered woman passes in front of his car. Talk about the power of imagination.

How about those long dresses that leave everything to imagination? Men exercise their brain muscle a lot by trying to guess what the body under the clothes looks like. They will stare sinfully, intensely, lost in their own little world of imagination, at a fully covered woman.

Wonder no more why he does that; he is trying to guess the shape of the body, the colour of her sun-protected thighs, the texture of her skin – the works!

Yes, men will stare at a skimpily dressed women, they will even find her sexy because, let’s face it, most women who have the guts to don them little numbers have enough confidence to share with three neighbours, and we all know one of the things that ignites a man’s night senses is a confident woman.

But do not be surprised if he spends more time staring at a fully covered woman than the barely dressed one – it is no secret that less is not necessarily sexier, simply because men love mysteries.


That begs the question. For whose benefit do women dress? I know, the usual stuff; #mydressmychoice, to cover up, because we are not in the Stone Age so you cannot walk naked (I hear they do that a lot, not only in Turkana, but also in Miami).

I have said it before, and I will say it again: when a woman is planning what to wear, impressing a man is, technically, the last thing on her mind. Hard to believe, but true.

She might give the man some secondary consideration, but the primary reason she chooses to wear what she wears is other women.

Even when she is going on a date, the reason she wears that little black number that accentuates the right curves is for the benefit of other women. It is her way of telling them that the guy she is with already has the best women in the vicinity so could they please keep their lust to themselves.

And for a good reason too. Like I have explained above, men hardly see clothes.

When they say that men are colour-blind, it is a lie. Remember Leo in the The Matrix (of course you have watched The Matrix over and over) when his eyes are messed up and he could no longer see like you and I? An average man’s eyes operate a bit like Leo’s; they see right through the clothes.

When a woman wears a short dress, the men around do not see the dress, they see the exposed legs. Men have no interest in clothes, unless you specifically  ask them what they think about a particular outfit, to which they will reply, “It is nice.”

When a woman wears a body-hugging dress, what men see is not the colour or the print of the dress, what they see is what is being hugged. Women, on the other hand, see every detail of that print.

They even see the uneven prints, and later, when having a conversation with her boyfriend, she will say something like, “Do you remember that chick with the green dress – the one that had a quarter-inch tear on the side and was a little discoloured on the underarms?” “Nope”, the man will say. The woman will rephrase it: “You don’t remember that tall chic with the big bottom….”

 “Ah…now I remember. She was a size 12, yeah?’

I rest my case.