Ally B:  This is how I will get my top spot back

Mombasa Based Artist Ally B performs during Diamond's show at Flamingo Beach Hotel in this photo taken on 13th January 2014. PHOTO| KEVIN ODIT

What you need to know:

  • “I have produced more hit songs and I’m confident I will get the top spot I had in the Kenyan music industry,” he told Showbuzz. He plans to release two videos this week, Music and My Baibe, featuring fellow Mombasa-based artiste Pero.

Mombasa-based artiste Ally B says he is set to reclaim his position in the Kenyan music industry.

Ally B got national recognition about five years ago after his hit single Maria became a relative hit. He also did Silali with Size 8 before she crossed over to gospel music.

“I have produced more hit songs and I’m confident I will get the top spot I had in the Kenyan music industry,” he told Showbuzz. He plans to release two videos this week, Music and My Baibe, featuring fellow Mombasa-based artiste Pero.

“I believe the more music I release, the higher the chance I get to reclaim my position in the industry,” he said.