Dress code: Interpreting the message in your look


Hellen Nguya, a model, in different outfits which reflect what many Kenyan women wear every day.

What you need to know:

Why does appearance matter so much that women will leave nothing to chance? Three stylists critique the messages women send with their attire.

Why do men get angry when their women spend ‘too much time’ getting ready before they step out of the house.

Or why would someone spend a fortune on clothes that will be worn to one function?

Or why do women carry with them different clothes wherever they go? Yes, clothes matter a lot to women—clothes say who a woman really is.

In fact, a woman’s mode of dressing tells half the story about her personality, confidence and future, in addition to her sense of style and fashion.

Perception and attitude towards a person are highly influenced by their appearance, a huge chunk of which depends on their attire.

We dressed Hellen Nguya, a model, in different outfits which reflect what many Kenyan women wear every day.

Fashion stylists Lydia Omollo and Silvia Njoki and fashion guru and magazine editor Carol Odero interpreted the different messages the clothes sent.

My jeans’ best friend

Level of independence

Lydia: Not an iota of own mind and style.

Silvia: Very dependent on more than one force.

Carol: She looks like she can’t do much without a man’s support.

Relationship status

Lydia: Someone whose heart matters are settled and has no need to impress. In a relationship.

Silvia: Doesn’t she look like she is living her own life after a divorce?

Carol: She looks like a woman who has been married for several years and has reached that letting-herself-go stage.

Where would you find her working?

Lydia: This one is jobless or at best a shopkeeper.

Silvia: I see a very good unskilled or semi-skilled worker.

Carol: Her days are spent immersed in her children’s world and with other stay-at-home mums.

Fashion statement:Is she up to date?

Lydia: She doesn’t care how she looks.

Silvia: Ill-fitting jeans are a big fashion faux pas. Options abound for all body sizes.

Carol: This is the look of an overwhelmed woman who is far keener on comfort and convenience than style.

Her cornrows get her hair out of the way so she can deal with more important, pressing things. She has not shopped for a while.

How outgoing can she be?

Lydia: You do not want to spend an extra minute with her.

Silvia: She is more keen on everybody else than herself.

Carol: This is a people person who will labour for them without much interest in her own welfare.

Her confidence level is…

Lydia: Slightly below average. She scores three out of 10.

Silvia: She is average. Scores five out of 10.

Carol: Low. Scores 2 out of ten.

How is her sophistication?

Lydia: Least sophisticated.

Silvia: Low self-confidence eats away any sophistication.

Carol: Very little to write home about.


The little brown power suit

Level of independence

Lydia: She exhibits a high level of self-confidence; a woman on her way up in life coupled with an appreciable level of education.

Silvia: An epitome of confidence, with the corporate look sending a message of a serious professional woman with a high-status job.

Carol: Here is a corporate mind that can implement strategies single-handedly.

Relationship status

Lydia: Her schedules won’t allow her to have relationships that lack direction. She is in a serious relationship.

Silvia: She must be married or in a very stable relationship. A mother of one, perhaps.

Carol: Need I say how serious she is with things, including relationships? She must be dating a serious guy.

Where would you find her working?

Lydia: If not a chief executive officer, she is a section head or manager.

Silvia: A lady on her way to the top in a corporate entity, if not already there.

Carol: A manager or a holder of an executive position, mostly in her 30s.

Fashion statement:Is she up to date?

Lydia: Modern style, but conservative.

Silvia: The short-sleeved coat with slimming detail accessorised with a skinny belt and the pearl necklace adds to a classic touch.

Carol: Her cropped weave and very high platforms are a concession to both fashion and womanhood.

How outgoing can she be?

All judges: She does not have much time to socialise but has similar-minded girlfriends and a very small, tight, inner circle. She is at home in upmarket restaurants and pubs.

Level of sophistication?

The jury is unanimous: She has a high level of sophistication

Out of ten, how would you rate her confidence level?

Lydia: Nine out of 10.

Silvia: Eight out of 10.

Carol: Ten out 10.


A Laid back lady

Level of independence

Lydia: She’s is reliable and can be trusted with her own mind.

Silvia: Neatly dressed and accessorised for a woman building her own independence.

Carol: Flat shoes and trousers give her a more aggressive walk with longer strides and by picking a shirt rather than a blouse, she is downplaying her femininity.

Relationship status

Lydia: She must be dating someone.

Silvia: Must have bagged some guy.

Carol: Her complacency suggests she is in a stable relationship – her life does not ask too much of her and she is comfortable with her lot.

Where are you likely to find her working?

Lydia: May be an advertising or sales executive. Or maybe an artist

Silvia: She passes for a lower level professional, such as a clerical officer, real estate agent or marketing executive.

Carol: She could be an assistant, receptionist or office administrator in a corporate set up or an SME.

She has little ambition, is at ease in her comfort zone and not very keen on climbing the career ladder.

Fashion statement: Is she up to date?

Lydia: She has a sense of modernity but lacks creativity, meaning her statement is flat.

Silvia: The classic black pants and blouse are wardrobe staples that are timeless

Carol: This is the average, every woman’s look – a slice of style with a whole lot of comfort.

She is the girl who disappears because nothing about her particularly stands out.

Her confidence level

Lydia: She’s above average. Scores eight out of 10.

Silvia: Approachable, cheerful and definitely a confident person. She scores eight out of 10.

Carol: No ambition; quite content with what she has.

Level of sophistication

Lydia: Slightly above ordinary lifestyle.

Sylvia: Quite above the usual lifestyle.

Carol: She is low maintenance and men would find her quite approachable.


Daring animal-print diva

Level of independence

Lydia: Not yet fully independent but has her own mind which matters more than what others say.

Silvia: A sexy but classy look for an independent woman that still embraces her freedom and is willing to flaunt her body.

Carol: A bold woman with a touch of aggression who marches to her own beat. Relatively financially independent.

Relationship status

Lydia: She seeks attention and must be searching for a soul-mate.

Silvia: She isn’t taken and is ready to mix and mingle.

Carol: She is a free woman and at best a party animal.

Where would she fit in the job market?

The jury is unanimous. She is a good bet for the creative industry or any job that requires face-to-face client contact such as airline stewardess, receptionist or sales and marketing.

She would also score well in the media, advertising, public relations, entertainment or fashion.

Fashion statement/sophistication

Again, the jury is unanimous. She is a non-conformist with animal prints suggesting a sexy person on the prowl and as such, a very daring personality.

Her hair colour is vibrant, which suggests a stylish person who does not mind trying new things.

How do you rate her confidence level?

Lydia: She scores all the marks here. One can’t exhibit confidence in a better way.

Silvia: A daring fashion pick! It requires a lot of confidence to pull this one off.

Carol: A physically confident, bold woman with a touch of aggression. You don’t just wake up and wear this.