From mindless scrolling on Twitter to winning big at the global stage

Daniel Apollo is a student at Mt Kenya University.
Photo credit: Pool

What you need to know:

  • Interacting with professionals in the field not only enhanced my knowledge but also gave me a glimpse into the real-world application of what I had learned.
  • The journey took an unexpected turn when I found myself forming a team with Ian Omwenga and Mark Omaiko, both from Machakos University, for the regional competition.
  • Little did I know that this collaboration would lead us to clinch the second position out of 13 teams in the region, earning us a spot in the global finals in Shenzhen, China.

By Daniel Apolo

In the vast world of social media and technological advancements, opportunities often come when least expected. For me, Daniel Apolo Ochola, Information Technology student at Mount Kenya University, one such opportunity came as I was scrolling through Twitter one evening.

It was just like any other evening, casually browsing through tweets when a particular post caught my eye. The Huawei Talent ICT Academy competition announcement stood out among the countless tweets, offering tracks in cloud computing, networking, and computing. My curiosity was instantly aroused, so I clicked on the link to learn more.

As I read through the details, it became clear that this competition was something I couldn't miss. With tracks covering the most booming technological shifts, it seemed tailor-made for someone like me who wanted to stay ahead of the curve in the IT industry.

From that moment on, my journey with the Huawei Talent ICT Academy competition began. From August to November 2023, I dedicated myself to self-study, immersing myself in cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and big data.

The preliminary examination in November was the first real test of my knowledge and preparation. Despite the nerves, I performed well enough to advance to the national level.

The national examination in December was intense, but my determination paid off when I secured the second position in the cloud track, out of six talented individuals selected based on merit. This achievement propelled me to the regional finals, where I represented Kenya in the Southern Africa Region.

Training at the Huawei office in Lavington for two months in preparation for the Regional Competition level was a transformative experience. Interacting with professionals in the field not only enhanced my knowledge but also gave me a glimpse into the real-world application of what I had learned.

The journey took an unexpected turn when I found myself forming a team with Ian Omwenga and Mark Omaiko, both from Machakos University, for the regional competition. Little did I know that this collaboration would lead us to clinch the second position out of 13 teams in the region, earning us a spot in the global finals in Shenzhen, China.

Being among the 18 students who represented Kenya at the global finals on May 22, 2024 felt surreal. It was an honour to carry the flag of my country and my region on such a prestigious platform.

The main lessons I drew from the competition at the national and regional levels were perseverance and collaboration. The competition taught me that success is not just about individual brilliance but also about working together as a team.

From a casual Twitter scroll to representing Kenya at the global finals, the journey has been remarkable. The lessons learned, friendships made, and experiences gained along the way have been invaluable.

As the day of the global finals approached, my expectations were high. I anticipated fierce competition from talented individuals worldwide. However, I was confident in our abilities and the skills we had honed throughout the journey. I also looked forward to making friends from different parts of the world.

Traveling to Shenzhen, China for the Huawei ICT Talent Academy global finals was an eye-opening experience. The city's advanced civilization, characterised by its impressive road infrastructure and the disciplined, organised nature of its people, left me in awe. Our visits to Huawei's exhibition halls were particularly inspiring, as we witnessed cutting-edge innovations like self-driving intelligent vehicle systems, generative AI, and advancements in the telecommunications industry, including super 5G technology. These experiences not only broadened my understanding of the latest technological trends but also reinforced my passion for IT.

Moreover, the opportunity to explore Shenzhen and interact with fellow competitors from around the world enriched my cultural perspective. Engaging with peers from Asian countries, South America, China, and fellow African nations such as Nigeria, Tunisia, Tanzania, and Uganda allowed us to share and appreciate diverse cultural values and practices. These interactions forged new friendships and professional connections, highlighting the universal language of technology that brings us all together. The entire journey was a blend of professional growth, cultural exchange, and personal development. A truly unforgettable experience.

Adding to the excitement, my team finished third in the competition. This achievement was a testament to our hard work and the unwavering support we received from both Huawei and our universities, particularly Mount Kenya University. The intensive training sessions provided by Huawei, coupled with the constant encouragement from our school, played a crucial role in our success. Additionally, our teamwork and collaboration were pivotal. Working closely with Ian Omwenga and Mark Omaiko both from Machakos University, we were able to leverage each other's strengths and overcome challenges together. This collective effort not only validated our dedication but also highlighted the importance of a strong support system and effective teamwork.

I’m very grateful for the university's support as we prepared for the global finals. Beyond the competition itself, this journey has already had a profound impact on my career and friendships. The knowledge gained and the practical exposure during the training have equipped me with valuable skills that will undoubtedly benefit my future endeavours. Through the exposure to cutting edge technologies and rigorous trainings, my passion for IT has been rejuvenated. Additionally, the friendships forged with Ian and Mark, and the connections I am yet to make at the global level, are invaluable assets that will last a lifetime.

I eagerly await the next chapter of this remarkable journey, ready to represent my university, my country, and my region with pride and determination.

Daniel is a student at Mt Kenya University