Want a happier life? Make more free time

Time management means focusing on identifying your key priorities and avoiding unimportant tasks.
What you need to know:
- Time management means focusing on identifying your key priorities and avoiding unimportant tasks.
- Deliberately schedule time for activities that are important to you, or which add fun or balance to your life.
There has always been a lot of glitz surrounding the rich and famous. But that’s all it is. Because leading a fulfilling life isn’t actually about wealth. So the people living the most successful and rewarding lives are often not the richest among us.
They have some interesting habits. Like they don’t define themselves in terms of their bank accounts, property or things. They’re usually very good at making the most out of their earnings. And they don’t spend their time endlessly chasing after more money.
Instead, they think about themselves in terms of what they do. Somehow that’s always something that they hugely enjoy, and they definitely have a gift for finding occupations that are unusual, exciting or interesting.
And which, seemingly by accident, also always seem to provide them with a good income. They value ideas over possessions, regularly spend time offline, and live simple uncluttered lives, with little interest in fashionable clothes or trends.
So how do they do this?
First, they’ve figured out that it isn’t money that makes life joyful, so they give their highest priority to the parts of their lives that do. Especially their interests, families, communities, and social lives.
Secondly, they manage their schedules well, and always seem to have plenty of time to do what they want.
So if you want to have a really satisfying life, maybe you should start doing what they do?
Start by working on your time management so that you never again find yourself working incredibly long hours. Time management means focusing on identifying your key priorities, avoiding unimportant tasks and minimising interruptions, delegating effectively, and developing your subordinates. So that gradually you end up with more time for yourself.
You should also use your spare time purposefully. Deliberately schedule time for activities that are important to you, or which add fun or balance to your life. And minimise the time you spend just pottering around or doing chores.
Don’t get stuck on passive or unimportant activities like watching TV or messing around on your phone. Instead, spend more time on reflection, taking exercise, artistic or voluntary activities, networking, reading thought provoking books, listening to music, or learning new skills.
Prioritise the time you spend with your family and friends, and consciously avoid having too many drinking buddies. Especially the ones who waste a lot of your time, discourage you, or lead you astray. Instead, surround yourself with friends who are as positive, thoughtful and successful as yourself.
Until one day you realise that your life feels fulfilled. You’re doing things that are completely absorbing, and which are lifting you above ordinary existence. Giving you expertise and skills that are rare, over and above your professional competence. Your experience and drive is beginning to be recognised, and people are seeking you out for your wisdom and judgment.
Does that sound like a life you’d like to lead? Well then, maybe now is the time to start making it happen!