Achieving a Christmas Day glow

Start the day by giving your skin and your body a boost of energy. This can be achieved by having a power shower. Select shower gel or soap with a lemony or citrus scent. PHOTO | FILE

What you need to know:

  • You can then apply a  mask by combining one tablespoon of egg white with a drop of olive oil and ½- tsp of aloe Vera gel. Mix well and apply on face using your fingertips. Allow it to dry for 20 minutes before washing it off with cold water.

Having glowing and radiant skin is a must for any big occasion.

Follow these quick tips for just 15 minutes as soon as you get up. 

Revitalising shower

Start the day by giving your skin and your body a boost of energy. This can be achieved by having a power shower. Select shower gel or soap with a lemony or citrus scent. You can also use a bath product with mint, menthol or eucalyptus. The sizzling blast imparted by these scents will wake you up thoroughly. As you shower, alternate the cold and hot water. Also scrub body using a loofah leaf sponge. 


Once you have showered, massage moisturiser while your skin is slightly damp. This will ensure that you lock in the moisture for an all day glow. Select rich lotion with a pleasing fragrance to keep your mood and skin uplifted. 

For your face

Exfoliate face this morning. You may do it as you shower.

You can then apply a  mask by combining one tablespoon of egg white with a drop of olive oil and ½- tsp of aloe Vera gel. Mix well and apply on face using your fingertips.

Allow it to dry for 20 minutes before washing it off with cold water. Follow with face cream.