‘My teachers never thought I will amount to anything, look at me now!’ NRG’s Natalie Githinji

Natalie Githinji, 26, journey to fame was through her comical skits. Photo | Pool

What you need to know:

Natalie Githinji, 26, journey to fame was through her comical skits. The Content Creator is also a presenter at NRG Radio and Voice Over artist and an endometriosis champion

Most people don’t know that I studied journalism and so ending up on the radio wasn’t a fluke. I have always loved to be on the radio or TV and vuala God came through.

I know I joke a lot; I guess the only time I’m serious is when I’m in pain. I have been battling endometriosis for a while now. But hey I am a serious human but people perceive me not to be.

My teachers both in high school and the university never thought I would amount to anything because I am a serious joke if that makes sense. I wonder what they now think of me?

Should I ever bump into them, I would ask them to tune in to NRG radio and listen to this queen because my boss Kevin Mulei believed in me.

 ‘My teachers never thought I will amount to anything, look at me now!’ NRG’s Natalie Githinji. Photo | Pool

Even with my comical persona, I once thought about taking my life. I was depressed for four years and that’s when these suicidal thoughts hit me.

How did I wade through that? Well realised I was being silly, I love life, and I need to live it. I have a lot to live for. Why would I think of dying when I'm manifesting Malaysia huh!

I got three words that best describe my fight with endometriosis; Hell, disgusting, and death.

It’s the reason that has contributed to my drastic loss of weight but I am glad, the majority of my fans online have been kind to defend me from keyboard warriors.

To the keyboard warriors, your opinions don’t bother me. I already have endometriosis to deal with a situation most of you trolls don’t understand.

Despite all the life hiccups, bro I struggle with nothing. I am out here living my best life the best way I know how.

You will never find me in low spirits unless I am sick. Natalie is built a different Habibi.

Unlike most of my peers I am a carefree woman, make up on or without… I am good. Fashionable or not, I am cool.  I mean I'm me, I love me, I enjoy being me, no pressure, nothing to prove so what’s the stress about?

The meanest comment I ever came across was about my weight but such comments no longer get to me, I just block you.

Getting my mother to do the skits with me was difficult. She thought it was childish but I had to find ways of convincing her. She's still stubborn though but what are besties for?

Something I regret spending a lot of money on was this certain laptop that collapsed after three months. Can you imagine wasting Sh30,000 on a refurbished laptop? Argh, still hurts!

My guilty pleasure is hot showers with the hottest water possible for the longest time. I won’t even dare speak of my electricity bill.

I find graduation pictures hanging in people’s living rooms weird. I mean who does that in this day and age? That’s so strange.