I am worried that my husband's new business could promote infidelity...

What you need to know:
- The truth is morals do not pay bills nor do they create a profitable income stream.
- Your only concern should be how to perceive your husband differently.
My husband of six years is a brilliant businessman, and that is why I have never regretted choosing him. However, I have issues with a line of investment he is obsessed with. He wants to convert some not-so-productive rental houses we have into lodgings. This is a business I am struggling to accept because it will definitely promote moral decadence. Should I support him, or should I put my foot down and say I won’t back that kind of investment?
From your narration, your mind is already made up that your spouse should not venture into the said business. I suspect that should he dare to venture into the business that you have already prescribed as "immoral" then it will only be at the risk of an ungovernable home. Life must have balance, Your view on what is or is not immorality should only apply to you and not across board. More importantly, it is not upon you to pass judgement over the actions of others. Tone down, you are tottering towards religious extremism which is bound to have adverse effects to your family and cycle of friends.
Drive Counseling Centre, Nakuru
I think your only concern with your husband's business is the word 'lodgings' which you associate with evil. The hospitality industry is a big promoter of immorality, it's only that they are using formal words to describe the nature of their business. Your only concern should be how to perceive your husband differently. The decision of whether to support him or not is yours to make, although you have a responsibility to help him moderate it by setting up rules that will discourage the involvement of minors.
Juma Felix
I am sure many would support your concern and probably advise you to put your foot down based on a moral point of view. However, the truth is morals do not pay bills nor do they create a profitable income stream. There is also the fact that you are predicting immoral events that have not occurred and whatever you perceive as immoral is another's normal way of life. You stated that your husband is a brilliant businessman, so you should concentrate on the potential earnings of his idea rather than police what occupants will or will not be doing. Whether you should support him is not up to me, only the two of you can decide. That said, I urge you to support the business model's potential. The current rentals may not be making money hence the new idea that he must have researched and seen to be viable.
Maurice Matheka is a relationships expert
I thought I was pretty sociable, but I’ve just met the most extraordinary character who seems to know literally everyone in my circle! I’m quite jealous, since I am quite reserved and keep a tight network of acquaintances. How is that even possible? Could I ever be more like him?