Most searched health questions on Google by Kenyans in 2021

Google has released it's Kenya’s Year in Search Lists report.
Photo credit: SHUTTERSTOCK

What you need to know:

  •  The second most searched term was the AstraZeneca vaccine.  
  • Chanjo Kenya,  the Ministry of Health’s Covid-19 vaccination portal, was the third trending search health query followed by the Moderna vaccine.

Just what have Kenyans been searching for in 2021 regarding their health? Well, according to Google, the Covid-19 Registry was the top trending search query. 

In its Kenya’s Year in Search Lists report, Google has revealed that the second most searched term was the AstraZeneca vaccine.  

“Chanjo Kenya, which is the Ministry of Health’s Covid-19 vaccination portal, was the third trending search health query followed by the Moderna vaccine,” Google said. 

KMTC (Kenya Medical Training College) was the fifth trending search query. 

This was due to rising interest in nursing employment opportunities for Kenyans in the United Kingdom. 

Kenyans also searched for information on colonoscopy, a non-surgical procedure where a fibre optic camera is used to inspect the health of the large intestines and part of the small intestines. 

Signs of Covid-19 was the seventh trending search query in health followed by bipolar disorder, a condition associated with episodes of mood swings ranging from depressive lows to manic highs. 

Glaucoma, a condition of increased pressure within the eyeball causing gradual loss of sight was the ninth trending search query in health followed by autism, a neurodevelopmental disorder that includes problems with communication and social behaviour.

Kenyans also searched how to register for the National Hospital Insurance Fund via M-Pesa.