Oral health: Common problems with teeth veneers

Veneers can also break or chip.

Veneers can also break or chip.

What you need to know:

  • A dentist worth their credentials will examine you for oral illnesses before applying the veneers.
  • Falling off is not necessarily a sign of disease. Veneers may get loose if they have not been set properly.
  • If you are a smoker or if you drink coffee or tea often, the veneers will start looking yellow and stained in no time.

Guess what? Your favourite Instagram model's perfect, ivory-white teeth are probably veneers. However, once a preserve for celebrities and elites, veneers are now accessible to more people. In recent years, they have become a fairly common solution for people who want to alter the colour, shape, or size of their natural teeth.

Despite their rising popularity, there are still risks associated with porcelain tooth coverings.

Teeth may become sensitive

One of the most common problems with teeth veneers is sensitivity. This happens when the veneers are new and the teeth have not gotten used to them. The sensitivity usually goes away after a while but in some cases it may be permanent. If you experience sensitivity after getting veneers, use an anti-sensitivity toothpaste, and avoid eating or drinking anything that is too cold or too hot.

If the problem persists, check with your dentist.

Untreated underlying teeth or gum diseases

A dentist worth their credentials will examine you for oral illnesses before applying the veneers. If any gum or teeth disease is detected, the dentist should have it treated first. If this step is skipped, two problems may arise. First, the veneers make it harder to treat or manage the illnesses. Secondly, teeth with disease or decay may be too weak to support the veneers. The veneers may not last long and in some cases, they will fall off.

However, falling off is not necessarily a sign of disease. Veneers may get loose if they have not been set properly.

They may look fake

This is one of the main reasons people are hesitant to get veneers. They may look fake and unnatural especially if they are not done properly. Some dentists recommend using veneers on the front six social teeth that are visible when you smile. This may be cheaper, faster, and easier but it often results in noticeable contrast between the teeth with veneer and those without.

To avoid this, make sure you go to a good dentist who will carefully select the right size and colour of veneers so that your teeth look natural. This is most important if the veneers will not be put on all teeth.

Staining and Breakages

Porcelain veneers are vulnerable to staining. In fact, they may be more prone compared to your natural teeth since they are not porous. If you are a smoker or if you drink coffee or tea often, the veneers will start looking yellow and stained in no time. Cut down on these habits to avoid staining.

Veneers can also break or chip. Cracking nuts, chewing hard foods, and eating food that is too hot or too cold, can creak your new teeth. Also, avoid cutting nails and opening bottles with your teeth.

Shrinking Gum

Just like other tissues, gums shrink as we get older. Your natural teeth adjust to this shrinkage naturally something veneers cannot do. After a few years you may notice a gap between the gum and veneer coverings. This may result in an uneven gum line and make teeth look shorter. If the gap is noticeable, your dentist can help you correct the gaps, usually by replacing the original veneers.

Tooth Decay

The most modern porcelain veneers are resistant to decay. But the tooth underneath is not. If the veneers are not set properly, or if your oral hygiene is wanting, the tooth may start decaying. Plaque and tartar can form around the edges of veneers. Expectedly, such tooth decay would be harder to treat and may even require removal and replacement of the veneer.