Are there actual health benefits of using back salt?

Black salt is also said to be good for skin and hair

Black salt is also said to be good for skin and hair.

Photo credit: Shutterstock

What you need to know:

  • Black salt has an array of minerals that could help boost your health not only within but on your skin too.
  • Extensive research has not been carried out on black salt itself to confirm the extent of these benefits.
  • If you have a health problem, consult a doctor for actual medication.

Black salt is also known as black lava salt, black Himalayan salt, or Kala namak. It is a type of rock salt that is made up of minerals like magnesium, potassium, and calcium. One of the selling points of black salt is that it has a significantly lower content of sodium compared to the normal table salt. It has a unique black colour and a slightly sulphurous taste. Its usage in traditional Indian medicine can be traced back centuries ago. It is now gaining popularity in the Western world for its supposed health benefits. Let's explore the potential benefits of black salt and investigate whether or not it deserves its reputation as a "superfood."

Black salt as a detoxifying agent

One of the purported benefits of black salt is that it can help to detoxify the body. This is because black salt contains sulphur, thought to bind to toxins and heavy metals in the body and remove them from the system.

So, what does the science say about the benefits of black salt? Unfortunately, there is not a lot of scientific research on black salt specifically. However, some studies have been done on the benefits of sulphur-containing foods in general. These studies suggest that sulphur-containing foods can indeed help to detoxify the body and protect against heavy metal toxicity.

The laxative properties of black salt

Black salt is also said to be a natural laxative, due to its high magnesium content. Magnesium is a mineral that is known to have a laxative effect on the body. In fact, magnesium-containing laxatives are often used as a treatment for constipation.

So, black salt may indeed be helpful in treating constipation. However, it is important to remember black salt should not be used as a replacement for doctor-prescribed medical treatment.

It helps in digestion

Another touted benefit of black salt is that it can help to improve digestion. This is because black salt contains minerals like magnesium and potassium, which are thought to be beneficial for digestive health.

There is some scientific evidence to support this claim. For example, one study found that magnesium-containing laxatives were effective in treating constipation. Another study found that potassium could reduce the risk of digestive problems like ulcers.

Black salt may be a helpful addition to your diet if you are looking to improve your digestion. However, if you have a sensitive stomach or have some stomach-related health problems it is best to speak to your doctor before making any changes to your diet.

Black salt for skin and hair health

Black salt is also said to be good for skin and hair health because it contains minerals like magnesium, potassium, and calcium, which are thought to be beneficial for the skin and hair.

There is some scientific evidence to support this claim. For example, one study found that magnesium could help to reduce the risk of acne. Another study found that potassium could help to improve hair health. Black salt may be a helpful addition to your beauty routine if you are looking to improve your skin or hair health.

Reduce muscle spasms and cramps

Black salt is also said to be effective in reducing muscle spasms because it contains magnesium thought to be beneficial for muscle health.

There is some scientific evidence to support this claim. For example, one study found that magnesium could help to reduce the risk of muscle cramps. Another study found that magnesium could help to reduce the severity of exercise-related muscle cramps.

If you are looking for a natural way to reduce muscle spasms, adding black salt to your diet could help.

Is black salt all hype?

Black salt has an array of minerals that could help boost your health not only within but on your skin too. However, extensive research has not been carried out on black salt itself to confirm the extent of these benefits. Also, since the minerals are found in small quantities (milligrams per spoonful), it may take a long time, maybe years, for you to reap the real benefits. Therefore, if you have a health problem, consult a doctor for actual medication. You can use the black salt just to complement the prescribed medication.