Floods force evacuation of Gamba police station in Tana River County

Gamba Police Station
_Nairobi News - 2024-05-13T130427.859
Photo credit: Photo| Pool

More than 30 police officers from Gamba Police Station in Tana River County have been evacuated to Minjila Station after the station was flooded by water from the Tana River.

According to the County Police Commander, Ali Ndiema, the flooding started on Sunday, May 12, afternoon from a section of the station that was partially submerged.

However, the flooding increased during the night after another tributary formed, making the station uninhabitable.

"We have advised our officers to move to our sub-county station in Minjila where they will be accommodated by their colleagues until the water recedes," he said.

He also noted that all office equipment and the armoury have been secured and all weapons have been moved to Minjila until further notice.

However, he reiterated that the officers manning the flooded road would commute from Minjila to the roadblock.

"It's a security road and we can't leave it unmanned, so we have organised this to make sure that we don't have any harmful characters crossing over," he said.

Meanwhile, officers are currently evacuating their property for safety as water levels rise.

Officers from the nearby GSU camp and residents camping along the road are also being evacuated.

Galili and Chara police stations are also on alert as the Tana continues to overflow into other villages.

More than 15 dispensaries and other government offices are reported to be under water across the county.

Pupils returning to school from Lamu and Tana River counties have also been affected as they have to use boats to cross the flooded section before boarding other vehicles to reach their respective schools.

Tana River County Commissioner David Koskei said the county steering group team is working on ways to ensure that children from flooded schools are catered for at the start of the term.