Bishop hits out at Wajackoyah over plans to legalise bhang

Mt Kenya Jesus Winner ministry Church Bishop John Munge addressing the media in Karatina town on July 5, 2022. He criticized Roots Party presidential candidate George Wajakoyah over his manifesto that seeks to legalize the commercial bhang growing.
A Mt Kenya cleric has criticised Roots Party presidential candidate George Wajakoyah over his plans to legalise the commercial cultivation of bhang.
Bishop John Munge, of the Jesus Winner Ministry Church, also hit out at the government for allowing Prof Wajakoyah “to openly promote evil and immoral vices” in his campaigns, saying such “reckless” public pronouncements were likely to destroy Kenya’s moral fabric.
Bishop Munge was addressing journalists at the Karatina stadium in Nyeri County where he led hundreds of believers in praying for peace during and after the August 9 General Election.
“Some leaders are openly supporting some things that are clearly anti-God, encouraging the cultivation, consumption and trafficking of drugs,” he said.
“They are even advocating for homosexuality and prostitution. I wonder what kind of parents brought up these kinds of people. The government is also failing Kenyans by allowing that kind of advocacy that is likely to ruin our country.”
He added: “In the very unlikely event that such leaders ascend to power, that would be the end of God-fearing Kenya as we know it.”
Prof Wajackoyah has rubbed religious leaders the wrong way after he announced his plans to legalise bhang if he is elected President. He has also pledged to promote snake farming.
Meanwhile, Bishop Munge said his church, “just like the biblical Samuel, who anointed David as directed by God, supports Kenya Kwanza presidential candidate William Ruto”.
He termed Dr Ruto as “God-fearing”, adding that his church would “guide” the flock to vote for him on August 9, dismissing fears that such a move would create divisions among his congregation.
“There is no problem for men of God supporting what God has directed them to do. I know many Kenyans are currently confused on who to vote for,” he said.
“We are supposed to show them direction. Samuel was directed by God to anoint David. The men of God who are doing what God has directed them to do are very right, and I don’t see this being a threat to the unity of our church.”
Asked about his church’s stand on some leaders who have been associated with corruption and who were using the church to launder proceeds from the vice, Bishop Munge said the matter should be left to investigating agencies.