Man commits suicide after failing to raise daughter’s fees

A 42-year–old man from Naivasha has committed suicide after reportedly failing to raise enough money to pay for his daughter's secondary school fees. FILE PHOTO | NATION MEDIA GROUP

What you need to know:

  • The father of four, who hailed from Mithuri in the outskirts of Naivasha Town, had been surviving on menial jobs.
  • The teenage girl who scored 216 marks had secured admission to Magumu and Mililani secondary schools in Naivasha.
  • She narrated how her father had become withdrawn after his business collapsed.
  • The teenage said for the past one week, her father had become an introvert and rarely left the house.

A 42-year–old man has committed suicide after failing to raise enough money to take his daughter to secondary school.

The father of four, who hailed from the Mithuri area in the outskirts of Naivasha Town, had been surviving on menial jobs.

He reportedly decided to end his life after failing to get the required amount to pay for his daughter’s secondary school education.

The teenage girl, who scored 216 marks, had secured admission to Magumu and Mililani secondary schools in Naivasha.

“He could not stand the shame of seeing his daughter miss secondary school education, hence the decision to end his life,” said a neighbour.

When the Nation visited the man's home Thursday, only his grief-stricken daughter was at home.

She recounted how her father had become withdrawn after his business collapsed.

“He had been given Sh5,000 to start his own business by his brother, but it failed to take off,” said the distraught daughter.


The teenager said that for the past one week, her father had kept to himself and rarely left the house.

“We never knew he would end his life,” said the firstborn child.

She said they had returned home on Wednesday night after attending a neighbour’s burial, when they found his lifeless body dangling from the roof.

The girl said she was now banking her hopes on well-wishers to help her pursue her secondary school education.

“Now that my father is dead I am appealing to well-wishers to come into my aid,” she said.

The incident left the residents of the densely populated estate in shock as they tried to come to terms with the man’s death.

Police arrived hours later and helped take the body to the Naivasha Sub-County Hospital mortuary.

Twitter: @machariamwangi1