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Relief food distribution to Mukuru residents turns chaotic

Food aid

An administrator controls Mukuru residents who had gathered at Assistant Conrty Commissioner's office in South B to get relief food. 

Photo credit: Sammy Kimatu I Nation Media Group

A relief food distribution exercise turned chaotic after hundreds of Mukuru residents in South B division thronged the Assistant County Commissioner’s office grounds each anticipating to get a share.

Administrators who included chiefs and their assistants had hard time controlling the crowd.

It took the intervention of police officers from the South B Police Station to calm the crowd.

Although a senior administrator blocked Nation.Africa correspondent from recording the images of the scene, he managed to capture a few clips of the event.

Starehe youth leader Hezron Chilo said the food was donated by Starehe MP Amos Mwago Maina.

First phase

Mr Chilo said the first phase of the food distribution was to benefit over 4,OOO residents from Landi Mawe Ward, then later the programme will be rolled to Nairobi South Ward before the end of the week.

According to Mr Chilo, the food benefitted Persons Living with Disabilities, others with chronic diseases, needy widows, orphans and the elderly among others.

Before any assistance is given to the beneficiaries, the youth leader said the MP and his NG-CDF committee did mapping, identified beneficiaries and collected data from all the wards in the constituency on the same.

He reiterated that there is high poverty index in the sprawling Mukuru slums which is attributed to job losses following the Covid-19 pandemic.

“A number of residents worked as casual labourers within Nairobwhen Coronavirus hit the country in 2020,” he said.