Kisumu father arrested for beating his teenage daughter to death

Kisumu shallow grave

What you need to know:

  • The man from Keti village in Nyang’oma location, Muhoroni Sub-county, was arrested on Sunday evening while allegedly planning to secretly bury the Standard Seven pupil of Nyalenya Primary School. 
  • Sidhu East Chief Joseph Ambila claimed the family agreed to cover up the child’s death and bury her secretly.
  • Humphrey Wandeo, Director of the Children’s Department in Kisumu, warned that cases of children suffering in the hands of abusive parents could increase with the closure of schools. 

A parent in Kisumu County is in police custody for allegedly beating his teenage daughter to death and injuring another.

The man from Keti village in Nyang’oma location, Muhoroni Sub-county, was arrested on Sunday evening while allegedly planning to secretly bury the Standard Seven pupil of Nyalenya Primary School.

Reports indicated he had already bought a coffin.

The man’s wife said their 15-year-old first born daughter died in her husband’s hands.

She said he was punishing the girl and her 14-year-old sister for visiting their uncle without seeking his permission.

"The girls left home on Monday and returned on Sunday. When their father asked their whereabouts, they couldn't respond," she told the Nation at their home on Monday.

She claimed her husband was drunk at the time.

"There was nothing I could do since my husband is violent. In the process my daughter collapsed and died," she added.


But Sidhu East Chief Joseph Ambila claimed the family agreed to cover up the child’s death and bury her secretly.

Mr Ambila said the man tried to obtain a burial permit from the assistant chief and had already dug a grave and purchased a coffin.

"We found many people in the homestead. The children’s mother was arrested by police in order to give more information," he said.

"I interviewed the injured girl. At first she was hesitant to give information but when I became harsh, she opened up and said they were beaten by their father and that that was what caused her sister's death."


Muhoroni OCPD David Muniu said the chief reported the case at Chemelil Police Post on Sunday.

"At the scene we recovered a spade that had blood stains. The girl’s body had injuries to the head. The second child had injuries on the right hand and left eye," said Mr Muniu.

When the suspect was arraigned on Monday, the investigating officer asked for two weeks to investigate the incident.

A post mortem and forensic analysis will reveal more about the incident.

The body was taken to Ahero Sub-county Hospital mortuary and the other girl to a rescue centre at Amira Kopawa in Nyang'oma.


Humphrey Wandeo, Director of the Children’s Department in Kisumu, cautioned that cases of children suffering in the hands of abusive parents could increase with the closure of schools.

Mr Wandeo said many parents cannot engage their children throughout the day.

"Children are bored so they could get involved in undesirable behaviours," he said.

"Many parents are dealing with depression, the underlying factor pushing parents to be harsh and violent towards their children," he said.

In Migori County a month ago, a secondary school head teacher was arrested and arraigned for allegedly beating his daughter to death after finding her with a man believed to be her boyfriend.