Kajiado health officials in soup over raw sewage disposal in Kitengela

raw sewage

A multi-agency team from the Kajiado health department disconnect an illegal pump at a rented flat in Kitengela town on June 28, 2024. The pump was being used to pump raw sewage into the streets. 

Photo credit: Stanley Ngotho | Nation Media Group

Several public health officers in Kajiado County attached to the Ministry of Health will face disciplinary action over allegations that they colluded with unscrupulous landlords to discharge raw sewage in Kitengela town and its environs.

During the health department's crackdown on the notorious landlords on Friday, Kajiado Health Department Chief Officer Wilson Tainei said several health officers had been accused of protecting the unscrupulous landlords.

"We are aware that some of our health officers have been shielding the non-compliant landlords, they will be disciplined accordingly, we cannot allow them to risk the lives of innocent tenants and members of the public," Mr Tainei said.

During the operations, 12 people including landlords and caretakers were arrested.  Eight electric water pumps suspected of pumping raw sewage into feeder roads were confiscated, while tenants in four apartments were given 14 days' notice to vacate.

"Some of the so-called "untouchable" landlords have received at least three notices but have ignored them. Some have threatened our officers. Let them know it will not be business as usual," added Mr Tainei.

During the operations, which brought together the Kitengela Municipality Management, health officials and county reinforcement officers, illegal sewerage pipes leading to main roads and rivers were destroyed.

Kajiado East sub-County Public Health Officer, Samson Saigilu, said the department had identified dozens of apartments discharging raw sewage into the road in contravention of the Public Health Act.

"We have mapped the entire Kitengela town and its environs and identified notorious buildings that are discharging raw sewage, we won't allow a few individuals to expose the public to cholera, no one will be spared," Mr Saigilu said, adding that those arrested would be charged to court.

Kajiado East Sub County Administrator, Mr Bruce Likama, said tenants who defy the notice will be forcibly evicted.

"We have had previous cases of tenants defying the notices and becoming hostile and we will use the necessary force to enforce the notices after 14 days," he told tenants who were briefed by the team on the new development.

Some of the tenants in the affected flats expressed health concerns due to poor waste management by their arrogant landlords, who were accused of refusing to refund tenants' deposits in an attempt to continue to "hold" them.

In some estates, the air is foul with raw sewage flowing freely along the streets.

Eateries, vegetable stands and residential buildings have not been spared as the sewerage flows underneath them and the roads have become impassable.

The densely populated town of Kitengela has no public sewer, except for a section served by a private one, prompting unscrupulous landlords to resort to various unorthodox means to cope with the high cost of emptying the septic tanks.

The crackdown comes after the National Environmental Management Authority issued a stern warning to all commercial and residential establishments for non-compliance with environmental regulations. Several estates in Kitengela are said to be on the environmental watchdog's radar.