Kajiado County puts on notice Kitengela landlords discharging raw sewage on roads

Raw sewage flows from rental apartments in Kitengela town on April 16, 2024.
The populous Kitengela town in Kajiado East sub-County has for decades witnessed raw sewage flowing freely in residential and commercial areas, to the chagrin of residents.
With the ongoing heavy rains in April, most areas are experiencing heavy raw sewer flow in the town.
Dozens of unscrupulous landlords are said to be discharging raw sewage into roads and open ditches, endangering the lives of their tenants.
"The raw sewage is flowing freely in the town and estates despite complaints from the residents. Some of these landlords are untouchable," said Mr George Munyao, a resident.
The Nation has established that some of the notorious buildings that discharge raw sewage are associated with serving and former politicians, senior government officials and prominent businessmen.
Following public outcry, the Kajiado County Environment Department conducted a raid in Kitengela town on Monday and identified five notorious buildings for discharging raw sewer in the town.
In one of the high-end rental buildings, raw sewage was seeping at high speed from the filled soak-away pit, spilling into neighbouring buildings and down to the streets.
Children were playing on the flowing raw sewage. A heavy stench enveloped the entire compound.
Isinya Sub-County Administrator Bruce Likama said the owner had been served with two notices to fix the problem but was playing hide and seek with county officials. During the raid, the caretaker and watchman took to their heels to evade arrest.
Electric pumps used to pump raw sewage into the streets, especially at night, were confiscated.
Other landlords were found to have set up illegal underground sewerage outlets that discharged the raw sewage into nearby undeveloped plots of land.
"This is one of the most unscrupulous landlords who has ignored previous notices as he continues to discharge the raw sewage into the road in the most cavalier manner," said Mr Likama.
Mr Likama said the unscrupulous landlords would be prosecuted and tenants would be served with eviction notices until they complied with environmental and public health laws.
"We will be forced to issue a notice for the tenants to vacate. We are sending a stern warning to selfish landlords who dump raw sewage on the roads," he added.
Kitengela town, which was recently upgraded to a municipality, has no existing sewer system except for two estates that currently enjoy private sewer lines.