Suspected al-Shabaab militants kill 4 construction workers in Garissa

Crime scene

At least four construction workers were killed on Friday, June 7 night by suspected Al-Shabaab militants in the Bogyar area in Dadaab, Garissa County.

Photo credit: Shutterstock

At least four construction workers were killed on Friday, June 7 night by suspected al-Shabaab militants in the Bogyar area in Dadaab, Garissa County.

Dadaab Deputy County Commissioner Kipkirui Siele, while confirming the 10 pm incident, said four other people escaped unhurt.

All eight were non-locals engaged to renovate Bogyar dispensary by a local contractor.

“We had an incident where militants ambushed construction workers who were renovating a health facility in Bagyar area. We lost four people while four others escaped,” Mr Siele said.

According to Mr Siele, the attack could be due to business rivalry by local contractors.

"We have been having a dispute over the works at this facility and even clan elders got involved and a certain group was paid Sh150,000 to the work," the DCC revealed.

After the first group, comprising women, youths from the area also blocked the work wanting to be paid but it seemed their push was ignored.

"We are holding a suspect linked to the incident. He will help understand what exactly happened," Mr Siele said.

Dadaab Sub County Security Committee Chairman said the area has been experiencing resistance from locals whenever a development project is being undertaken.

"Earlier, we had been forced to provide security to a grader working on a public road passing through the area. The locals tend to block and dispute projects in the area," he said.

The affected construction workers arrived in the area on Saturday when materials were delivered but spent Sunday negotiating with locals over the work.

"Locals have been demanding to be given the tender to renovate the facility yet they had not applied for the same when it was announced. They claimed outsiders were getting tenders to work locally and we suspect this is what led to the attack," he said.

The bodies have since been taken to Mwingi where the workers had been sourced from.

"Our investigations are at an advanced stage and we shall be effecting more arrests because we can’t allow some people to operate in a lawless environment," Mr Siele said by phone.