Addressing the challenges of childcare arrangements for working parents

Photo credit: Makini Schools

What you need to know:

  • Having your child enrolled in an afterschool programme not only assures you of their safety, but it also provides them with an opportunity to participate in activities that support their social, emotional, and cognitive development.
  • When selecting an aftercare programme for your child, it is essential to ensure they enjoy the activities offered. It is crucial to choose a programme that aligns with your child’s interests to ensure their active engagement.

By Horace Mpanza

Securing suitable childcare arrangements for children after school and during holiday breaks is an ongoing struggle faced by many parents. The demanding nature of work schedules often leaves them in a constant juggling act, trying to find ways to keep their children engaged and productive during these periods. This challenge is particularly pronounced in urban cities like Nairobi, where the prevalence of dual-income households is increasing, and parents find themselves working overtime to support their families.

Data from the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics reveals a significant rise in households with two or more sources of income, climbing from 16.2 percent in 2005/6 to 22.8 percent in 2015/16. This upward trend is expected to continue as the economy faces ongoing challenges and more women embrace formal and informal employment opportunities to contribute to their families’ well-being.

A balancing act for working parents

Parents/guardians with busy work schedules face time pressure due to juggling between school pick-up and attending to the demands of their jobs. The constant concern about meeting work deadlines, navigating through traffic, and ensuring prompt pick-up at 3pm, creates a whirlwind of struggle. This challenge is even more daunting for single parents, who bear this responsibility alone.

The struggle persists even when schools are closed. School breaks and holiday seasons offer valuable opportunities for parents to connect, bond, and spend quality time with their children. However, these periods come with added responsibilities and pressures, particularly for parents with demanding jobs and other various obligations. They must contend with increased household expenses, additional chores, the responsibility of supervising their child, and ensuring timely completion of school homework.

The role of schools

With a growing demand for safe and structured childcare options after school, it becomes crucial for educational institutions to develop innovative approaches to address this issue. One solution is for schools to establish structured afterschool activities and programmes designed to keep learners engaged and inspired. Afterschool programmes, as defined by the Afterschool Alliance Organisation, provide supervised learning and care through a variety of fun activities and extracurricular pursuits such as arts and crafts, music, drama, sports, and technology. These programmes extend beyond the school day and also operate during holiday breaks.

By offering such programmes, schools not only facilitate skill development and exploration in students, but also encourage positive behaviour and personal growth. Simultaneously, they alleviate the burden on parents by providing peace of mind, knowing that their children are well-cared for in their absence.

The benefits of afterschool programmes

The advantages of well-designed afterschool programmes for both learners and parents cannot be overstated. For learners, this programme provides engaging and fulfilling activities, while they await pick-up by their parents in the evening. This means they don’t have to endure long hours at school or gruelling commutes in heavy traffic.

Moreover, well-designed afterschool programmes help keep learners in a safe and secure environment, reducing the likelihood of misconduct or disciplinary incidents such as fights. Further, they foster the development of vital social skills like teamwork and empathy, contributing to learners’ overall growth and character development.

Photo credit: Makini Schools

Child development psychologists recommend a well-controlled and monitored environment as a necessity for safeguarding children’s wellbeing and development. Therefore, having your child enrolled in an afterschool programme not only assures you of their safety since they stay under the care of a teacher, but it also provides them with an opportunity to participate in activities that support their social, emotional, and cognitive development.

Choosing the right aftercare programme for your child

When selecting an aftercare programme for your child, it is essential to ensure they not only participate but also enjoy the activities offered. One common mistake parents make is enrolling their children in programmes without fully understanding what they entail, simply to keep their children occupied.

However, it is crucial to choose a programme that aligns with your child’s interests to ensure their active engagement. Whether it’s dancing, drama, or music, understanding their preferences will help you select a programme they will look forward to attending and actively participate in. Engaging in such activities can be highly beneficial for their personal growth.

If the aftercare programme is offered at your child’s school, it is advisable to communicate with their class teacher. This will allow you to gain a comprehensive understanding of the programme’s offerings and provide insights into the best activities and specific programmes for your child.

The challenges faced by working parents in securing suitable childcare arrangements are significant. However, schools can play a crucial role in providing much-needed relief to parents, enabling them to navigate their work responsibilities with greater peace of mind.


The writer is the Regional Managing Director, Makini Schools and Gaborone International School