PS Muoria: We are retooling Kenya's TVET trainers to boost CBET implementation
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Kenya’s Principal Secretary for TVET, Dr Esther Thaara Muoria, addressing TVET institutions principals and council/board chairs during a consultative forum at the Kenya School of TVET in Nairobi. To her left is the TVET Director, Dr Meshack Opwora, and to her right is Kenya Association of Technical Training Institution (KATTI) chair, David Mwangi.
Kenya’s Principal Secretary for the State Department for Technical, Vocational Education and Training, Dr Esther Thaara Muoria, has expressed confidence that the ongoing retooling of TVET trainers by the Kenya School of TVET will boost the implementation of Competency-Based Education and Training (CBET) curriculum in TVET institutions.
Speaking during a consultative meeting with TVET principals, council and board chairpersons at the Kenya School of TVET, PS Muoria noted that 924 TVET trainers drawn from national polytechnics had already been retooled, and another cohort of 580 TVET trainers were undergoing similar training in different regions of the country.
Dr Muoria exuded confidence that the retooling of TVET trainers across the country was timely, and that it would boost the implementation of CBET in Kenyan TVET institutions.
“For CBET delivery to be effective, trainers must be equipped with the right skills and competencies,” the PS said, adding: “It is important to note that this is a Presidential directive.”
She disclosed that all students admitted in TVET institutions across the country starting September 2023, will undergo CBET.
Dr Muoria called on all the TVET agencies in the country, namely the TVET Authority, TVET Curriculum Development Assessment and Certification Council (TVET CDACC), Kenya National Qualification Authority (KNQA), Kenya School of TVET, and all other stakeholders in the TVET sub-sector, to play their role in ensuring that the country’s CBET curriculum was appropriately harmonised.
The PS further noted that there was a huge need to ensure that TVET trainers had requisite practical skills, as this would be fundamental to the implementation of CBET. Trainers will have the opportunity to be retooled on the use of modern technical equipment.
“The State Department for TVET will soon be rolling out a robust programme of up-skilling trainers on the use of training equipment,” the PS stressed. This will be achieved through the support of the Department’s development partners, the PS said.
Dr Muoria said that Department had partnered with peers responsible for Housing and Urban Development, Industrialisation, and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), on the implementation of the Affordable Housing Programme (AHP) and County Aggregation Industrial Parks (CAIPs). She noted that the partnership would serve as training grounds for TVET trainees, as well as Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) assessment centres for MSMEs.
The PS further said that industry linkages was very central to the CBET implementation, and called on the principals of TVET institutions to enter into collaborations with various industries to enable the smooth implementation of CBET. She added that many Government projects were going to form a huge training ground for TVET trainers.
The consultative meeting at the Kenya School of TVET brought together 24 principals and council/board chairs drawn from national polytechnics.