Uhuru encounter with actor Tokodi: Was it staged?

Kenyan actor Pascal Tokodi.

Now, I don’t know if that was a publicity stunt or not, but coincidentally finding the president walking around outside State House sounds relatively farfetched to me.

There are two ways this could go. Maybe it was a publicity stunt and they decided to go the whole shebang. Make the president look like a man of the people, in his kitenge shirt, gentle and unassuming with his staff stick, no security whatsoever, just hanging, you know? Going for his evening walk. Outside State House. Which spans kilometres upon kilometres. 

And what would the point of the publicity stunt have been? The same as all of the memes about the president that make him look adorable. You know. So that when he asks you what you want him to do, we laugh and brush it off as the comic character in the strips who no one expects anything from. Because it certainly can’t actually have been for Selina.

Could it? If it was funded by Selina (?!), which wouldn’t make sense for a show that is already popular, the script would have been more put together, no? I don’t know. What do I know about publicity stunts?

The other way this could go is that this actually happened, and the president’s security team is nonsense. Maybe he just marched out of State House like that time Michelle Obama decided to do the same thing, and kept walking, and they could not stop him. 

Maybe he just wanted to feel connected to his childhood home and the streets he used to drive by. Maybe he was tired of driving around in cars.

If it was real, and it happened, why would anyone expect Pascal Tokodi to ask something meaningful about said nation, or policies, or the government, the economy, Covid-19…how? What and why? 

I saw someone saying that Pascal should have asked when the curfew is being lifted. So that what? The president announces it to the country by yelling it at a moving vehicle? In what world?

Considering the fact that I have spent a considerable amount of time mulling over what really happened and what this all means, this makes me once again wonder what this whole news item is supposed to be distracting me from, and how I have assisted it in its goal.

If you were a president in an upcoming election year, which actor would you hire to stage something with?