Digital tools to help one deal with grief

Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram

Social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram provide an easy way for people to share their thoughts and feelings with others, even if they are not physically together.

Photo credit: File | Lionel Bonaventure | AFP

Many events can trigger the feeling of grief, and if you look around, there is probably someone you know that is grieving. It could be that a loved one passed away or an important relationship ended. Regardless of the circumstances, grieving is natural and experiencing it is important.

From social media to e-commerce, we rely on digital tools to connect with others, shop and access information. 

However, technology can also play a critical role in supporting those who are grieving. In this column, I will discuss some of the digital tools that can be helpful for the heartbroken and how they can be used to support the grieving process.

One of the most important things for hurting people is to have a sense of connection with others. Social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram provide an easy way for people to share their thoughts and feelings with others, even if they are not physically together.

This can be especially important for people who are mourning the loss of a loved one, as it can be comforting to know that others are thinking of them and sending their condolences. A grief journaling app provides a private space to write about thoughts and feelings and reflect on a loved one's memory.

Many of these apps also include prompts and questions that can help people to process their grief and gain insight into their feelings.

One such app is the Grief Support App. This app provides daily support and guidance for hurting people, with features such as journaling, meditation, and a community forum. Another app in this group is My Grief Assistant, which provides personalised grief support by allowing users to create a grief journal and access a grief counsellor.

Incredibly lonely 

The process of grieving can leave you feeling incredibly lonely. The Untangle app offers a welcoming, warm community to help you feel less alone. You can use this app if you feel low and want to connect with like-minded people going through the same issues. Whether you've lost a friend or a family member, you can explore the groups and communities and find the ones that are best suited for you.

These apps can help people cope with the physical and emotional symptoms of distress, such as difficulty sleeping, fatigue and difficulty concentrating. They can be particularly beneficial for people who are struggling with anxiety, depression and other emotional difficulties that often accompany grief.

In sum, digital tools can play a crucial role in supporting people who are grieving. They provide a sense of connection, an outlet for expressing thoughts and feelings, and resources for coping with the emotional and physical symptoms of grief.

These apps are not a substitute for professional help, but they can provide additional support for those who are going through grief.

Mr Wambugu is a Certified Cloud and Cyber Security Consultant. [email protected]; @Samwambugu2