The Nation evolves into a fresh new brand

Africa is diverse; its racial, ethnic and class composition is as complex as its history which goes right back to the origins of our race. But Nation's identity is robust and transcends those distinctions.

The Nation has never really looked inwards; our destiny and that of our continent have always been tightly fused. Nation is evolving into a fresh new brand on all channels, but with a mobile-first mindset and with the versatile African youth in focus. The launch of the new Nation brand is the highest expression of that bond. Nation.Africa is the first step of the new brand.

On all channels, but with a mobile-first mindset and with the versatile African youth in focus.

From 1958, we have looked at Africa as our hope and representing the aspirations of the African people as our mission. During the debate on the end of colonialism, the Daily Nation, our flagship, established itself as a champion of the emergent independence movement.

East African market

In 1994, The EastAfrican was launched to cover Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and later Rwanda, Burundi and South Sudan. The Nation supported integration and the creation of an East African market. Ten years later the Nation had operations running in Uganda and Tanzania and subsequently Rwanda providing radio, TV and newspaper service to communities in those countries.

But it is in Africa Review that our commitment to Africa found large scale expression. With a strong complement of correspondents in more than 20 African countries, Africa Review tries to go beyond the disaster/disease wire reporting and tell African stories from an African perspective.

The new Nation brand now gives us a vehicle to take us to all parts of the continent, to reach and inspire African youth on a platform that has become the most important part of their lives: the mobile phone.

Diverse continent

We look at Africa not from a racial definition but from a community perspective. Any person who has made Africa their home is an African. Africa is diverse; its racial, ethnic and class composition is as complex as its history which goes right back to the origins of our race. But our identity is strong and transcends those distinctions.

Our commitment is to be there for every African, to empower them and carry, project and protect their aspirations. Indeed we are Africa’s largest independent media brand. Our aspiration is to empower by informing, educating and engaging our diverse audience. We propose to do so by providing the highest quality stories, video and podcasts.

Our aspiration is to empower by informing, educating and engaging our diverse audience.

The first expression of the new brand is on the new Nation.Africa. Which has been designed and optimized specifically for mobile; it is available on the one device that nearly every person on the African continent has in their hands. Our promise is that our content is available whenever and wherever it is needed. We are setting out on a journey; together we’ll go far.

Sample the new experience here.