Lock up paedophiles

The sex pest whose 330-year sentence has been upheld by the High Court will, definitely, not serve the entire jail term. Since the sentences run concurrently, he is obviously staring at around 100 years in prison.

However, the massive sentence should serve as a deterrent. It should send a stern warning to other sexual offenders. The convict will, of course, be long gone by the time the jail term ends but it will remain a stark reminder about the gravity of this inhuman and obnoxious crime. Would-be offenders should now know the punishment they risk .

The High Court threw out an appeal by this heartless beast who preyed on five little schoolgirls aged between three and six years in Nakuru County in 2019. A magistrate convicted him in 2012 and the High Court has just endorsed the sentence. He had appealed against the sentence, arguing that it was excessive, but the High Court confirmed that he, indeed, deserves to be kept away from society to protect young girls.

These young victims will continue to suffer the trauma and scars of the rape throughout their lives. However, it is laudable that the brute will remain behind bars for the rest of his life to protect other minors from him and other sex predators.

In this case, children were lured with money and sweets and subjected to harrowing ordeals by an adult, who should have been protecting these angels. The consequences of sexual violence against minors can adversely affect their physical and emotional well-being.

The rights of children are protected to ensure justice and safety. Any attempts to compromise these rights must be resisted and parents, teachers and other adults sensitised to help to protect the children. Sadly, some parents engage in negotiations, resulting in deals that enable culprits to go scot-free. But stern court sentences are the best means to fight the vice.