Kudos to ruling on assets sharing between divorced couples

The Supreme Court ruling that spouses are not entitled to a 50/50 share of matrimonial assets after a divorce is good, says Dinaice Makenga. “Women will stop believing that men are supposed to buy each and every property."
Sharing • The Supreme Court ruling that spouses are not entitled to a 50/50 share of matrimonial assets after divorce is good, says Dinaice Makenga. “Women will stop believing that men are supposed to buy each and every property. Many women tend to contribute nothing and still expect to move out with everything if divorced. No more easy gain for lazy women.” Her contact is [email protected].
Contrast • Ndumberi Township in Kiambu County has the distinction of having produced two sharply contrasting personalities, remarks Charles Kamanga. “One is Prof Githu Muigai, a famous law scholar, and the other, Kiarie wa Mbugua (wa Njoki), a sly businessman and outlaw. This sleepy town, complete with a golf course, needs to be studied to establish much more.” His contact is [email protected].
Noisy bars • The numerous bars on Kenyatta Road in Juja, Kiambu County, are quite notorious for playing “very loud music throughout the night, every day of the week”, says Mwaura Kariuki. “The local residents, including students in the nearby Juja Preparatory and Kalimoni Senior schools, are mostly affected.” He hopes the authorities will quickly stop the menace. His contact is [email protected].
Security • Will the “bandit madness” in the northern regions ever end? wonders Evans Macharia Mwangi. “People who have no respect for life have no place in the modern world. Why can’t the government deal with them the way the late Interior minister John Michuki cleared the Mungiki menace? The security should wipe out terrorists once and for all.” His contact is [email protected].
Football • The January English Premier League transfer season has become as riveting as the soccer matches, remarks Jim Okwako, mesmerised by the huge sums of money being splashed on the players. “Just the same way they compete on the field, the teams are outdoing one another in this intriguing rush to get the stars to sign up and enrich teams and their agents. This is a rich new line of business.”
Have a competitive day, won’t you!