Tackling stubborn ‘homa’ in cold season begins with you

common cold

 The common cold is distinguished by a runny or blocked nose, fever, sore throat, cough, watery eyes and fatigue.

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What you need to know:

  • Hospitals are also seeing an increase in the number of people seeking treatment for sniffles
  • The common cold is distinguished by a runny or blocked nose, fever, sore throat, cough, watery eyes and fatigue.

We are well into the cold season, which has seen us experience extremely low temperatures and a fair share of rainfall. Sweater and space heater stores see a significant increase in sales every year as people seek to keep warm.

Hospitals are also seeing an increase in the number of people seeking treatment for sniffles. Nobody is immune to the common cold, having either caught it or nursed a sick family member back to health.

The common cold is distinguished by a runny or blocked nose, fever, sore throat, cough, watery eyes and fatigue. Adults and children alike are frequently pushed to miss work and school, depending on the severity. Viruses such as influenza, rhinovirus and coronavirus are the most common cause of common cold infections.

They spread among people through contact with droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes. Hence, it is one of the most contagious illnesses, especially in crowds.

Students are especially vulnerable, being in close contact in classrooms and on school buses and during group activities that require close proximity. More serious illnesses, such as bronchitis, can masquerade as a simple cold, hence the need to see a doctor to confirm the illness.

The common cold, like other viral infections, so far has no cure, what with so many strains of the viruses. However, cold symptoms will go away on their own. However, and contrary to popular belief, antibiotics do not treat a viral infection but only bacterial ones. The immune system takes 7-10 days to eliminate the virus but symptoms can last for two weeks.

However, nasal decongestants like saline drops, antihistamines and pain relievers can ease the symptoms, as are rest and rehydration to replenish fluids lost due to nasal secretions and coughing. The Center for Disease Control does not recommend over-the-counter cough and cold remedies for children under four unless prescribed by a doctor.

Better equipped

Prevention is better than cure. Annual flu vaccination is critical in preventing influenza-related infections—which are available for children and adults.

Following the Covid-19 pandemic, we are now better equipped to deal with illnesses spread by aerosolised droplets. The measures used against Covid-19 apply to common colds: Washing and sanitising hands; and coughing or sneezing into the elbow or a tissue and disposing of it right away.

Additionally, avoiding people who already have an active infection is the simplest way to avoid colds. Face masks can help to reduce the risk of infection in situations where isolation is not possible.

As we move deeper into the peak season for common colds, we must all take extra precautions to stay healthy. And, like security, disease prevention begins with you.

Dr Owila is the antimicrobial stewardship pharmacist at Gertrude’s Children’s Hospital. [email protected].