Be flexible to navigate bill discrepancies

Kenya Power

Discrepancy between KNBS and Kenya Power highlights the necessity of flexibility in our approach to economic policy.

Photo credit: File | Nation Media Group

What you need to know:

  • Adaptability fosters resilience and helps us navigate life’s uncertainties with grace.
  • By practicing flexibility, policymakers can better respond to changing circumstances.

A Japanese proverb aligns with stoic wisdom — the bamboo that bends is stronger than the oak that resists. I espied on a conversation in our class, two students were engaged in a heated debate over the rising cost of electricity.

One relied on Kenya Power’s official figures, while the other trusted the data provided by the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS).

This discrepancy, seemingly trivial at first glance, sparked a broader discussion about the reliability of critical economic indicators like inflation, which play a pivotal role in shaping the government’s monetary policy.

For once despite myself I did not intrude. The Japanese proverb captures a key principle: the strength found in flexibility and adaptability.

This rule emphasises the importance of remaining open and adaptable in the face of change and challenges.

Flexibility involves the willingness to adjust our plans and perspectives when faced with new information or obstacles.

Approach to economic policy

It is about maintaining our core values while being open to different approaches and solutions. This adaptability fosters resilience and helps us navigate life’s uncertainties with grace.

In the context of the power price figures, the discrepancy between KNBS and Kenya Power highlights the necessity of flexibility not only in personal growth, but also in our approach to economic policy.

The rigidity in relying on a single source of data without questioning its validity can lead to misguided policies.

By practicing flexibility, policymakers can better respond to changing circumstances, ensuring that decisions are based on a comprehensive and accurate understanding of the economic landscape.

This approach reduces stress and enhances problem-solving abilities, allowing us to thrive in a dynamic world.

Ms Hassan is business development manager, SolarNow (EA) Ltd. [email protected]