Three still trapped in Kimende landslide hours later

Kiambu Governor press team

Governor Wamatangi when he visited the area Wednesday morning.

Photo credit: Kiambu Governor's Press Team

What you need to know:

  • The Kenya Meteorological Department has warned that the heavy rains are expected to continue in the coming weeks.

Three people are still feared trapped in a landslide in Kimende Escapement, Kiambu County.

The incident happened on Tuesday night and the victims were said to be walking home when they were caught unawares.

On Wednesday, Kiambu Governor Kimani Wamatangi visited the area as rescue efforts intensified.

The search for the missing is being led by the Kiambu County Emergency Response team together with Kenya Red Cross staff.

The incident occurred in Lari sub-county.

"Together with the County Disaster Response Team, we have visited the area to assess the situation and assist affected residents as the operation to find the missing continues. We are consulting with the relevant national government road authorities to see if the road design can be improved to avoid such problems in the future," said Governor Wamatangi.

At the same time, the county boss urged people living in landslide-prone areas to move out as humanitarian aid was promised.

"We have asked residents living in areas identified as dangerous and prone to landslides to move to safer places. The county government is offering humanitarian assistance to all those affected by the natural disaster," Governor Wamatangi said.

The heavy rains that have lashed the country have caused wetlands to collapse and the death toll from the ongoing rains is close to 290, according to government statistics.

The Kenya Meteorological Department has warned that the heavy rains are expected to continue in the coming weeks.