New Constitution heralds fresh Kenyan start, says Kibaki

President Kibaki addresses Kenyans living in New York where he hosted them to a reception September 22, 2010. He told them that Kenya has managed to overcome its most difficult phase as a mature nation by enacting a new Constitution. PPS

Kenya has managed to overcome its most difficult phase as a mature nation by enacting a new Constitution, President Kibaki has said.

Addressing hundreds of enthusiastic Kenyans living abroad in New York, Wednesday, President Kibaki noted that the newly enacted set of laws had disentangled the country from a myriad of challenges that threatened the core foundation of the nation.

“Kenya has overcome one of the most challenging periods in its history. By passing the new constitution that is all history now.

"Challenges always confront people and it is possible to overcome. We must now focus on building a modern and prosperous nation,” he said.

The President expressed joy that many Kenyans appreciated the tremendous progress made in various spheres of lives and the sustained efforts geared towards unity, national development and prosperity.

He said that diverse projects implemented by the government had opened up various parts of the country thus unlocking immense potentiality even in parts previously deemed of insignificant potential.

“Change is noticeable in all parts of country. We are building schools, health facilities, and many roads are being constructed everywhere in our country,’ said the President.

Thanking Kenyans living in the diaspora for their support and contribution towards the construction of a prosperous and democratic nation, the President noted that the new Constitution not only provided for proper representation but also ensured equitable development of all parts of the country.

The Head of State said that new governance structures would be established while public institutions would undergo a renewal process to ensure that Kenyans enjoyed quality and efficient services.

Noting that all necessary bills required to operationalise the new constitution had been okayed by the Cabinet, President Kibaki encouraged the diaspora to take advantage of the conducive investment climate in the country to better their individual lives and those of their loved ones.

Urging the international citizens to partner with the government in implementing various programmes that improve the living standards of wananchi, President Kibaki encouraged them to continue remitting funds back home so as to sustain the ongoing transformation of the country.

The Head of State affirmed that Kenya’s economic role in the East African Community and the larger horn of Africa region could not be overemphasized adding that significant investments in the road infrastructure had been launched to enable Kenyans tap the potential.

Speaking during the occasion Foreign Affairs minister Moses Wetang'ula said that President Kibaki lived to the true spirit of reforming the country which motivated him to quit the Kanu government in 1992 to found the Democratic Party.

He said that the government appreciates their role and urged the international citizens living in the diaspora to support the government efforts in improving the living standards of their beloved ones back home.

Public Health minister Beth Mugo said that tremendous gains had been realized in the health sector with about 300 ambulances being purchased for referral and emergency responses in every constituency.

Mrs Mugo told the jubilant citizens that the severe highland malaria that ravaged various parts of the country such as Kisii had been controlled while through government/development partners collaboration malaria drugs were currently being issued freely in public facilities or at highly subsidized rates in commercial outlets.

Several Speakers during the occasion expressed their joy and pride for the many tremendous accomplishments attained by the government adding that Kenya had regained its stature among the community of nations

Others who addressed the colourful event were Cabinet ministers Prof Sam Ongeri, Wycliffe Oparanya, Naomi Shaban and outgoing Kenya’s Permanent Representative to the UN Muburi Muita and other senior government officials.

In attendance were Permanent Secretaries Thuita Mwangi (Foreign Affairs), Edward Sambili (Planning), Kenyan diplomats accredited to various assignments in the United States and other senior government officials.