I didn’t ask Mungiki to revenge, says Maina Njenga

Former Mungiki leader Maina Njenga. Nakuru tycoon Zakayo Maina Waweru has distanced himself from allegations that he funded the Mungiki, who the ICC prosecution claims carried out retaliatory attacks on perceived ODM supporters. PHOTO | WILLIAM OERI |

What you need to know:

  • Former Mungiki leader threatens to sue Fatou Bensouda.

Former Mungiki leader Maina Njenga has distanced himself from the activities of the gang, which carried out retaliatory attacks in Naivasha during the 2008 post election violence.

These attacks formed the bulk of the ICC case against President Uhuru Kenyatta, but which Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda withdrew last month.

On Wednesday, Mr Njenga told the Nation that he was locked up long before the violence began. He said there was no way he could tell the youths to attack.

“I was in jail and had no powers or freedom to sign any agreement or authorise any youth to attack. I was always under tight security. I was not in contact with anyone outside prison. Perhaps the security assigned to guard me can explain better,” he said in an interview at his home in Kitengela, Kajiado County.

On Monday, Ms Bensouda released part of the evidence she would have used against President Kenyatta.

Among the allegations is that the Mungiki gang was paid millions of shillings to retaliate against perceived supporters of the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) in Nakuru and Naivasha.

The prosecutor had heavily relied on these incidents to argue her case.

But Mr Njenga says he never participated in the planning and never asked anyone to retaliate.

“I am not sure anyone was given money to attack people. No one should say I sent them to Uhuru Kenyatta or any other person for money. I never received a cent.

“I never made any orders. If there is anyone with evidence, let them come forward. You cannot say I was targeting ODM supporters when in fact I was a supporter of the party. I am still the party’s supporter,” said Mr Njenga.

The ICC prosecutor also alleges that some government agents went ahead to execute or disappear some of the members of the terror gang as a “clean-up” to weaken the case.

Some of those mysteriously killed included Mr Njenga’s wife Virginia Nyakio, senior Mungiki members Charles Wagacha and Maina Diambo, who shared a close relationship with him.

Mr Njenga has threatened to sue Ms Bensouda.