Pastor Ezekiel Odero: Ruto and Kindiki are to blame for my woes

Ezekiel Odera

Pastor Ezekiel Odero of New Life Church and Prayer Centre attends an event in Mosocho, Kisii County on June 23, 2023.

Photo credit: Ruth Mbula | Nation Media Group

What you need to know:

  • Nandi Senator Samson Cherargei demanded that the committee compels the preacher to withdraw the names from his presentations.
  • Kisii Senator Richard Onyonka said Pastor Odero should be allowed to state all that he knows to enable the committee do a good job.

Pastor Ezekiel Odero of New Life Prayer Centre and Church has blamed his woes on President William Ruto and Internal Security Cabinet Secretary Prof Kithure Kindiki, as he distanced himself from Pastor Paul Mackenzie-associated with the Shakahola mass deaths.

Testifying before the Senate Ad hoc Senate Committee on Proliferation of Religious Organisations and the circumstances which led to the deaths of more than 400 followers of Mackenzie, Pr Odero said police cancelled his recent crusade, allegedly on instructions of the President and Prof Kindiki.

The mention of the two names threw the committee into a state of confusion, with Nandi Senator Samson Cherargei demanding that the committee compels the preacher to withdraw the names from his presentations.

But Migori Senator Eddy Oketch demanded that the preacher be allowed to “lay things bare so that those who are using the tools of power to intimidate the Man of God from spreading the gospel may be known.”

Further, Mr Oketch said those adversely mentioned can be summoned to clear their names.

Kisii Senator Richard Onyonka said Pr Odero should be allowed to state all that he knows to enable the committee do a good job.

The proceedings were thrown into disarray when Pastor Odero said that on October 5, 2023, the Kilifi County Commissioner Josephat Biwott informed him that President Ruto and CS Kindiki had directed that the crusade be cancelled citing security reasons.

The pastor who was accompanied by lawyers Danstan Omari, Shadrack Wambui, Samson Nyaberi and Cliff Ombeta told the committee that the crusade was cancelled twice over claims of security issues.

Earlier the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) Amin Mohammed tendered his evidence regarding the Shakahola killings in camera due to security issues.

The tele-evangelist distanced himself from the Shakahola mass deaths saying “I saw news about it in the KBC TV Channel One and other media.”

He told the committee he has never attended any burials in Shakahola farm.

The preacher who had been summoned to shed light on the killings and extremist religious teachings, urged the committee to follow his Bible teachings on his Television Broadcasting Station which he acquired after paying Sh500,000.

“I appeal to this committee to visit my Church and see for yourselves what is happening there , instead of relying on information from social media, police and other media,” he said.

He informed the committee that he has a huge congregation since each services is attended by 45,000 worshippers.

Pastor Odero was accompanied by Pastor Pius Muiru of Kuna Nuru Gizani. Pr Muiru , the Spiritual father of Pastor Odero said they will lay bare everything before the Senate Committee.

"Today is a day of reckoning.It is a big day. The world will know the truth about Pr Odero and his ministry," Mr Muiru stated.