Nyanza MPs vow to snub Ruto's development tour

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What you need to know:

  • Led by Ugunja MP Opiyo Wandayi, the Minority leader in the National Assembly, the MPs clarified President Ruto was free to visit any part of the country but confirmed they were not aware of any planned political activities during the President's tour.
  • Dr Ruto is expected to inspect the rehabilitation of Homa Bay jetty, plus the Kendu Bay and Mbita jetties.

At least 20 Nyanza MPs allied to opposition leader Raila Odinga's Azimio coalition have given the clearest indication that they will skip President William Ruto's four-day development tour of the region starting tomorrow (Friday), saying they were not invited.

Political activities

Led by Ugunja MP Opiyo Wandayi, the Minority leader in the National Assembly, the MPs clarified President Ruto was free to visit any part of the country but confirmed they were not aware of any planned political activities during the President's tour.
Mr Wandayi, however, said that "our energies are currently focused on dealing with the attacks at Sondu market along the Kisumu-Kericho border" and even called for the cancellation of any planned political events "until the killings are resolved".
"I personally have not been invited, so we are not aware of any planned activities, although people are free to visit any part of this country. Nevertheless, I wish them well in their tour of the region," Mr Wandayi said even as he confirmed that he had not received an invitation.
Dr Ruto will inspect the rehabilitation of Homa Bay jetty, plus the Kendu Bay and Mbita jetties.
He will also visit the site of the proposed multi-billion-shilling Kabonyo Kanyagwal Fisheries and Aquaculture Research Centre in Nyando, a road construction project in Muhoroni constituency, and the multi-billion-shilling Lake Basin Development Authority shopping centre.

Kisumu Port
The Head of State will later visit Kisumu Port to commission the MV Uhuru II, built by the Kenya Shipyard.
In Homabay County, President Ruto will inspect the Mfangano bypass and the Mbita-Sindo-Magunga road.
In Migori County, the President is expected to meet farmers to deliberate on the revival of the sugar sub-sector and visit technical and vocational training centres in Mr Odinga's Siaya County.
On Thursday, Mr Wandayi noted that Luo Nyanza is part of the Republic of Kenya and President Ruto is, therefore, free to visit it at any time.
The Ugunja MP added that the people of the region "are known for their hospitality and pragmatism and they appreciate visitors".
On September 30, 2023, Interior Principal Secretary for Internal Affairs, Raymond Omollo, while addressing grassroots leaders at the home of the Cabinet Secretary for Information, Communication and Digital Economy, Eliud Owalo, announced the presidential tour.

But Mr Wandayi warned the President that his visit would not change the political allegiance of the people as they remain firmly in Mr Odinga's ODM.
"Visitors don't easily change our perceptions and attitudes on important issues because we are fiercely principled people," the Ugunja MP said.
His sentiments were echoed by Kisumu West MP Rosa Buyu, who without mincing words singled out Interior Principal Secretary Raymond Omollo, whom he accused of being behind the planned presidential development tour at a time when people are being killed in Sondu market.
"It is a shame that we have PS Omollo from Karachuonyo right next door here and he is busy organising rallies and parties and yet people are dying," said Ms Buyu, although he did not back up the claim with evidence when asked.
She continued: "We are saying that these killings must stop and any other person who is organising, planning anything in this area must stop immediately.