Mutunga, Tobiko ‘ready for hard job’

The executive director of the Kenya Human Rights Commission Muthoni Wanyeki speaks to journalists on Wednesday. She asked President Kibaki not to appoint Mr Keriako Tobiko as the Director of Public Prosecutions.

Two nominees for the top Judiciary and prosecution jobs spoke on Thursday on the huge task ahead.

Dr Willy Mutunga, for Chief Justice, said his biggest challenge will be to manage the “astronomical expectations” of Kenyans.
In a statement yesterday, Dr Mutunga pledged to restore confidence in the Judiciary.

“Obviously, my greatest challenge will be to manage the astronomical expectations of a Kenyan people who long lost their faith in their Judiciary but now believe I wave a magic wand,” Dr Mutunga said.

“This is an issue I must address the moment I have taken the Oath of Office of the Chief Justice under the new Constitution. I look forward to talking to Kenyans immediately I am sworn in.”

And Mr Keriako Tobiko, who is set to become the first Director of Public Prosecutions, urged critics to give him a chance.
“I urge them to give me the benefit of doubt and I be judged on the basis of my performance in the next few months,” Mr Tobiko told the Nation on phone.

The pair was approved by Parliament on Wednesday, alongside Ms Nancy Baraza, who will be Dr Mutunga’s deputy.
They are now awaiting formal appointment by the President.

Ms Baraza promised to talk to the Nation later as she was out of town.

Dr Mutunga and Mr Tobiko thanked President Kibaki and Prime Minister Raila Odinga for forwarding their names to Parliament for approval, the Constitution Implementation and Oversight Committee and Parliament for sticking to the spirit and letter of the new laws.

“I thank the public for the support they have shown during the process and the media for exercising their duty to the public although some reports were not favourable,” Mr Tobiko said, adding, he bore no grudge against those who opposed his nomination.

Meanwhile, the Kenya Youth Parliament, Kenya Youth League and Mr Patrick Njuguna want the High Court to stop the President from appointing Mr Tobiko until he is cleared of allegations of impropriety.

The matter comes before Lady Justice Jeanne Gacheche this morning.