KRA: ‘We raided Mombasa Governor's radio station’

Abdulswamad Nassir

Mombasa Governor Abdulswamad Nassir.

Photo credit: File I Nation Media Group

The Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) has confirmed that it conducted tax enforcement action on Wednesday, May 29, at Rahma Broadcasting Limited, a radio station associated with Mombasa Governor Abdulswamad Nassir’s family after due diligence. The tax authority said all procedures had been followed before the raid, including the issuance of demand notices to the company.

Gov Nassir claims he's being targeted over muguka ban after KRA officers storm his radio station

The taxman in a statement to newsrooms said the station was non-compliant in filing and paying various tax obligations and engagements with the management have been ongoing since taxes became due and payable.

Following the raid, Nassir said that the sudden scrutiny from the taxman stemmed from his recent decision to outlaw the sale, distribution and consumption of muguka, in Mombasa.

"Leo watu wamekuja na vitisho. Hii mambo ya kila mmoja anakuja hapa and then ukiuliza wadosi wao wanakuambia ya kwamba sio wao wamewatuma. It means that people are taking orders from elsewhere," said Nassir.

The governor cited four different court orders that upheld the ban. Mr Nassir said that he would not yield to pressure to revoke the ban for the sake of Mombasa residents.

"The ODM party wishes to condemn the weaponisation of state agencies like KRA to harass and intimidate Governor Nassir and his colleagues who are only looking out for those they represent. The Party stands with the Governor in his efforts to rid Mombasa of the drug menace once and for all," stated ODM Secretary General Edwin Sifuna.