Govt to act on Kriegler team proposals

President Kibaki meets with members of the Independent Review Commission into the post election violence led by its chairman Justice Johann Kriegler at Harambee House , Nairobi. Photo/ PPS

What you need to know:

  • Recommendations of the Kriegler commission to be implemented immediately.
  • President says they will be useful in the upcoming Constitutional Review process.

The recommendations of the Kriegler commission will be implemented immediately, President Kibaki has said.

He has said they will be useful in the upcoming Constitutional Review process.

The President was speaking at his Harambee House office when he met members of the Independent Commission of Inquiry into last year’s General Election.

The commission, led by Judge Johann Kreigler, had paid a courtesy call to the President to report on the progress of its work.

President Kibaki said the Commission’s mandate was important in finding a permanent solution to the challenges facing Kenya’s electoral process as evidenced in the 2007 General Election and other past ones.

The commission, appointed by the President on March 14th, 2008, promised to complete its work within its six-month mandate.

The eight member committee is expected to establish the underlying causes of the electoral challenges experienced during and after the December elections.

It has held public hearings in all provinces received and held workshops on electoral systems, political parties, the Media and the Electoral Commission.

The Ministry of Justice, National Cohesion and Constitutional Affairs, Office of the President and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) are providing the necessary support to the Commission.

Present were: Justice minister Martha Karua, Head of Public Service Francis Muthaura and Permanent Secretary Amina Mohamed and other government officials.