Address concerns peacefully, Western diplomats urge Ruto, Raila

William Ruto

Azimio leader Raila Odinga (left) and President William Ruto.

Photo credit: File | Nation Media Group

Ambassadors from 13 Western countries have called on the government and the opposition to find an amicable solution to the grievances fueling protests in the country to avert further loss of life and destruction of property.

In their first reaction to the on-again, off-again anti-government protests, the diplomats representing Australia, Denmark, Germany, the United States, the Netherlands, Sweden, Ukraine, Canada, Ireland, Norway, Switzerland and the United Kingdom expressed concern at the loss of life and the high level of violence and destruction of property.

In their joint statement, the diplomats noted that, regrettably, live ammunition had been used to disperse protesters during recent demonstrations.

They said they stood ready to support efforts to find a peaceful solution.

“We recognize the daily hardship faced by many Kenyans and urge all parties to table their concerns through meaningful dialogue and resolve their differences peacefully to build the nation together, ensuring no further loss of life. We stand ready to support the parties in their efforts to find constructive and peaceful solutions,” the statement reads.

Inflaming political tensions

At the same time, a growing number of international organisations have criticised the police for using excessive force to contain the protests, and some government leaders for using hostile rhetoric and threats against demonstrators that they say are only inflaming political tensions.

In a statement released ahead of the planned three-day round of continuous protests starting Wednesday, Human Rights Watch urged political leaders to stop labelling protesters as terrorists and respect the human rights to assembly and peaceful protest.

HRW called out the police for responding to the protests with excessive force, "including the use of live ammunition against demonstrators, possibly killing dozens and injuring hundreds".

“Kenyan authorities are obligated under Kenyan and international human rights law to protect citizens’ right to freely assemble and to peacefully protest. Police should adhere to the principles of necessity and proportionality in response to any violence during the demonstrations,” said Mr Otsieno Namwaya, senior Africa Researcher at Human Rights Watch. 

“In May, Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International Kenya documented the killing of at least 16 people, most of whom were either shot or beaten to death by police during demonstrations between March and May. Kenyan authorities failed to investigate these violations,” the statement added.

The watchdog called on security agencies to investigate allegations by the opposition and some human rights groups that some senior government officials hired armed gangs to attack protesters and destroy property, including the Nairobi farm of former President Uhuru Kenyatta.