Ex-minister Maina Wanjigi's former househelp put on her defence

Former Cabinet minister James Maina Wanjigi. FILE PHOTO | NATION MEDIA GROUP

Former Cabinet Minister Maina Wanjigi’s househelp has been put on her defence in a case she is accused of robbing her boss of two firearms and ammunition five years ago.

According to Kibera Chief Magistrate Joyce Gandani, the prosecution produced sufficient evidence to put the house-help Dorcas Mumbi and her co-accused Hilda Nabweko on their defence.

Ms Mumbi and Nabweko were charged in 2013 with robbery with violence.

The prosecution accused them of committing the offence at Mr Wanjigi’s house in Rhino Park estate in Nairobi’s Karen area with others not before court.

They were charged that on November 22, 2013,  they robbed Mr Wanjigi of a ceska pistol with 14 bullets and a Weston revolver with six bullets.

The were also accused of robbing Mr Wanjigi and other people who were in the house of valuables including Mr Wanjigis Rolex wrist watch, his two phones and electronics.

According to court records, Ms Nabweko was arrested on November 27, 2013, with one of the phones said to have been stolen during the incident in which Mr Wanjigi claimed he was roughed by robbers.

During the hearing, the prosecution told the court that the accused and their accomplices who are still at large were armed with pistols and machetes.

The accused will give sworn statements in their defence but they will not call witnesses.

They will defend themselves on August 21.