Trisha Khalid: My curves are genetic, you should see my mum

Fosi Mpole Hamis, famously known as Trisha Khalid, is an actor, and TikTok sensation.
What you need to know:
- I used to work out, but had to stop when I got into acting due to lack of time.
- I get messages from all sorts of people and characters, both men and women.
Fosi Mpole Hamis is her real name, but this 29-year-old is better known as Trisha Khalid.
I grew up in Likoni, Mombasa, raised by a single mum. My dad passed away when I was very young, three years old to be exact.
In college I studied to work as cabin crew but as fate would have it, I’m now doing something totally different – acting.
Fame never crossed my mind. I never knew I would become famous, it just happened. I used to do funny skits on TikTok and I guess people just started following me.
What you see on TikTok is exactly what you get when you meet me in person, although I’m an introvert, especially if I’m around people I don’t know.
Although introverted, sugarcoating things is not my way of life. I like speaking my mind. If you mess me up I will tell it to your face.
The ‘Tafuta mtu akushike’ skit that went viral came out of nowhere. I just saw ladies arguing about their nyash on social media and something came to my mind. I recorded and posted it.
My curves and derriere are genetic. You should see my mum. She is so blessed, Mashallah! Even so, I used to work out, but had to stop when I got into acting due to lack of time.
My DMs are very busy. I get messages from all sorts of people and characters, both men and women, but mostly men. I have received DMs of men requesting to send me money to go visit them in their countries. Who risks meeting strangers like that?
Yes, I do reply to my DMs but I always sieve the messages. I only attend to work-related texts.
One of the weirdest DMs I ever received was from a woman insulting me. I was having a good time at a hotel in Naivasha and the woman and her boyfriend were also planning to go there.
Somehow she thought it’s her boyfriend who had taken me there because she found out the guy had been sending me DMs, which I hadn’t even noticed until she brought up the matter.